A new addition to the HDH dungeon...

... that's right, I have collected yet another soul to do my Macabre Monday bidding! She is from the "meat-grinder Tilda" fame. Have you guessed yet? That's right... please velcome: The Imp of Insanity Ike Here's a little bio: Hi there – I am Ike……a nickname that I got hooked with many years ago due to my surname, and in my profession at that time, …… they just loved to give nicknames. OK – potted history ….. I was born in the UK, went to art college, worked as a Cop for 30 years, had me 1 fabulous daughter, lived on an island, retired and moved to another country, became a grandmother, do my own thing :-D I live in Greece now and have a passion for kitties J I have 8 house cats and several interlopers that I feed at the windows. This number grows all the time as the kitty telegraph goes around !! I also have 8 English Light Sussex chickens that I reared myself in an incubator. I am a complete nutter or shou...