HDH113 - Heinously Haunted Houses

*Please see the sidebar for HDH Macabre Monday Rules* ( Note: entries not following the guidelines are not eligible for prizes or badges ) HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Can you believe it's finally here?! All of us here at HDH hope that all of our stalkers have a eerily fantastic night of thrills and chills. Be sure to leave a comment of how you are spending this evening... you never know if the Mistress will be handing out random treats ;) And just a heads-up: HDH will be taking a break from our formal challenges for the rest of the year after this week's challenge. Now don't fret! We will still be posting, and throwing out a few challenges, but the Macabre Minions definitely need a little yard time away from the dungeon :) You'll definitely want to keep checking in with HDH... because even though the winter holidays seem to take over everything, we at HDH pride ourselves in keeping the creepiness alive all year long!! Ok, macabre fans ... your ...