500 follower Hallowe'en Blog Candy

The Haunted Design House is nearing a huge milestone.
Nearly 500 followers!!!!

As a special thank you to all of our wonderful followers,
I am offering up some Hallowe'en blog candy.

I am a collector of "schtuff".
This kind of random Hallowe'en schtuff. 

There are some  Monster wind-ups, a Monster note pad,
some Bloodbath Body Spray, a couple of rubber duckies,
a Ouija board tin of mints, and some cute argyle snot paper.  

Here we have a cool Skull and Roses pen,
some cork board skull stickers, some star confetti,
an eyeball ball, a Bath and Body antibacterial gel,
and some other random bits of Hallowe'en cheer.  

Rules for entering the giveaway:

1. Be or become a follower and leave a comment = 1 entry

2. Re post this blog candy on your own blog, fb, or twitter.
Leave a comment with a link to your post = 1 entry per post

That's it!
I will randomly draw and post the winner on Friday the 22nd.

Now drop by my Creepy Glowbugg personal blog,
for the candy giveaway going on over there!


Nikki said…
Thanks for the chance and to think I thought I already followed you
thanks for the chance and I've linked you all up and the candy looks like a blast love the stench reducer lol
hugs Nikki
Carrie said…
Awesome, I love Halloween!
Yvonne said…
Lovely Halloween candy! Thanks so much for the chance to win. I am a follower already :)
Jenn Borjeson said…
Thanks for the chance to win your creepy goodies! :)
Jenn Borjeson said…
Oh and I mentioned the candy on my blog here: http://stampinangeljenn.blogspot.com/2011/10/wwatc-reminder-hdh-desert-islands.html

Thanks! :)
Tina said…
been a follower for awhile and happy to be...fingers crossed...thanks for the chance to win

posted to my blog also
stefeni said…
Congrats on almost 500! That's pretty big!

spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com
Spookworks said…
Very cool prize loot! Thanks a bunch for entering me. :)
Kara said…
Fun giveaway! I tweeted it! http://twitter.com/#!/WickedCrochet
Love your Halloween candy, thanks for the chance to win!
Just blogged about this fantastic blog candy
pensive pumpkin said…
Followed? Check. Tweeted? Check. http://twitter.com/#!/pensivepumpkin

I am so excited that I fond this blog. Blog candy is great, but frankly that header photo was enough to earn you my follow.

Beautiful. Now hand over those mints. ; )
Yvonne said…
I'm digging the Ouija! Thanks for the chance at your trinkets!
Tanya said…
Already a follower! :)

phenis2031 at yahoo dot com
Ahhhh congrats Barb! I love all the Halloween Goodies and being a stalker since I started blogging:) Great time to roll 500! I will share in hopes you bump past!
Congrats on the milestone!!! I am loyal follower and I just linked you up on my Facebook!!!! Have a wonderful rest of the day!!!
Fab candy! I'm already a follower and I have mentioned your candy on my blog http://idontdostraight.blogspot.com/2011/10/gods-and-monsters.html


Fiona. x
Mish B said…
Awwww - this is so awesome of you. Love that ouija tin. Very cool creepyness! I posted on my blog here:

Susan said…
spooky-good candy!! I am very proud to be a follower! Thanks for the opportunity!
Anonymous said…
Congrats! I love this blog. You have collected a great candy. I put you instantly in my candy bar ;-)
Thanks for the chance to get some creepy stuff.
Faith said…
Just started following! I love your blog!
gertie said…
here is the link to my blog
Christina Hicks said…
I am a new follower, your blog is awesome by the way.
Christina Hicks said…
I left a comment on twitter.
Christina Hicks said…
I also left a comment on facebook.
Days End Studio said…
Oh you know I haunt here often.
Great Tricky-Treats. ;O)
Anonymous said…
I'm already a loyal follower!
Anonymous said…
And on Twitter...

I'm proud to be your 500th follower!
Is it okay to enter both giveaways?
If so, sign me up for these goodies, please!
Lisa said…
ohhh spppoky fun, thanks for the chance to win!! and congrats too
Cathie w said…
already a follower and what fun stchuff...lol
reposting on Fb as well

Gaylynn said…
Congrats. What a fun blog you have. Now following on gfc.

angie ashuk said…
New follower. Fun stuff:)
FitterTwit said…
OMGosh... I just love creepy cool stuff!!! Crossing my fingers and toes....
Birgit said…
A while ago I asked if digital images are okay for the challenges. Thanks for the reply -- I am glad that digital stuff is welcome. I hope to have some time for playing soon -- your challenges are just great. :) I signed up as a follower, so that I don't miss any in future (even though the URL was already bookmarked -- hah!). :)

Thanks also for the chance to win those goodies. Living in Germany, I can only dream of such Halloween treasures. :)

Happy creating,
Birgit said…
Sure enough I put a link to your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog -- gotta spread the word!
Shan said…
I just wanted to say thank you for the chance to win your candy. I have been a follower for awhile now and congrats on the blog reaching more than 500 followers. Its so exciting and such a wonderful blog. Have a wonderful day.

wicKED said…
I am a loyal follower ;)
Cathy said…
fun giveaway, I am a follower and I reposted on Facebook:)
meicopetshop at hotmail dot com
Ashleyplus2.5 said…
I am a new follower and congrats and almost reaching 500 followers!!!

dragonmamma said…
New follower. I love discovering all these new (to me) Halloween blogs!
AprilsL8 said…
Thanks for the chance to win! I LOVE your stuff!!
wicKED said…
I posted on my FB about your contest as well.
AmethystCat said…
what fun treats! it's almost the witching hour!!!

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