Bad Moon Rising Wretched Thursday

Sorry for the delay, but due to a mucus outbreak , I had to take a day off to rest my drowning head. My brain is still floating in the goo, so bear with me. This week our challenge is Bad Moon Rising . We are sponsored by On Cupcake Moon . Deb is offering a $15 store credit to her shops. For more info see this post. Our Gruesome Twosome from last week's Who are you callin' a succubus? challenge are: Butterfly and Katt Congratulations ladies. Fabulous work! Please contact Barb (addy in the sidebar) to lay claim to your booty. You can click on the GT's names to be taken directly to their winning posts and blogs. Thank you to everyone who came out to play in the dungeon with us!! There is still some time left to join in on this week's Big Bad Moon challenge. We'd love to see your take on our latest challenge!