Wretched Wednesday Hiding in the Corners

It is the middle of the week already.
Have you started your project for this week's challenge yet?
Hiding in the Corners
is the challenge. All you need to do is make something
sinister and adorn the corners. Easy enough?

I chose to indulge myself, and feed my latest crafting addiction.

Artist Trading Cards.

I used Ike's "Honey" image for this serial killer
inspired card. Gotta love a crazy hott bitch with a meat cleaver!
Blood splatters and all corner adornments accounted for.

For this little masterpiece, I have used another
of Ike's images called, "WitchyMou".
Isn't she wonderfully horrible?!
I mounted the image onto an old dictionary page starting with
"blood root". I highlighted the bloody words with some Brick
and Worn Lipstick Distress Inks and a water painter.  
I used some Y26 &Y28 on her teeth and then used a glaze pen
to give them a slimy sheen. I did the same for her eyes. Slimy, I say! 

As the piece de resistance, I used a preciously tiny polymer clay
cauldron, crafted from my talented Minion Sister, Andrea.
I added some potion vapors and bubbles from paper scraps and Stickles.

Speaking of Andrea, she is joining me today with her awesome creation.

hiding in the corners Ikes image
Andrea chose to work with the wicked WitchyMou too.
She's quite popular down in the Dungeon.
Andrea has layered WitchyMou onto some layers of melted tulle
(I don't know how she does that!) and adorned each corner with equal 3D wickedness.

So nice to have a little company in the Dungeon in the middle of the week.

Please join us this week and show us what's hiding in your corners.

 And now for the naming of the Gruesome Twosome from last week's
"Insidious Inspiration" photo challenge.

Congratulations to


Congratulations ladies.
Fabulous work!
Please grab your badge and display it proudly.

Taking back the crafting world,
one creepy project at a time.  
Keep 'em comin'!


Vee Cassidy said…
oh wow thank you! Vee xx
Wendy said…
thanks for another wonderful challenge theme...you are so inventive!
Jenn Borjeson said…
These are FABULOUS - congrats to you chosen ones! :)
These are all fabulous eye candy! Delightful!

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