And we have some winnahs!!

One thing we are super bad at doing down here in the dungeon
is choosing winners for our challenges.

Time for some Gruesome Twosome catch up.

The Gruesome Twosome for our Eerie Inspiration challenge:


The GTs for our Alien Abduction challenge are:


Unable to upload a photo, but worth clicking the link to see!

The GTs for our Deja-Vu Doo challenge are:


disturbia 002 (800x800)

And finally, the GTs for the Ferocious Furballs challenge:


the beast 001 (800x800)

Whew! What an amazing display of creative, and wonderfully weird, dark art!
The Minions were just mumbling something about having the best challenge
entries in the crafting world just the other day. 
(Zombie) hands down.
 No cookie cutter, cutesy schtuff here. 
Only uniquely creative types need apply.

Thank you to everyone who plays along with us every challenge. 
And to those who play when they can. It warms our cold, black hearts 
that you choose to share your creepy and cool makes with us.
Please choose your Gruesome Twosome badge and display it proudly!!  


Teresa said…
Thanks so much for picking me (twice!) - love taking part when I get the chance. And huge congrats to all the DT for their continuously inspiring projects xxx
Ngaere said…
Thank you so much for choosing my project. It is great to be able to take part in challenges that celebrate being slightly different to the mainstream.
Unknown said…
Awww thanks! It's so nice to be able to express myself creatively and have people enjoy it rather than leave them questioning my sanity! Well, it's still in question but at least it's being embraced!

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