666 (+1) The Number of the Beasts Week 2

Hey! Where is everybody?
Did some devil horns scare everyone away?
So far only one of you has been brave enough to play with us
for this challenge.
Now not to mess up her gig here, but we have LOTS of
marvelously macabre prizes to share with the winners of this
challenge. If there is only one winner, she gets it all!
I'm talking about free digis from Smeared Ink, a creepy grab bag from
me (Creepy Glowbugg), handmade items and goodies from the Minions,
a killer digi from Delicious Darkness, plus extra schtuff still to be determined.

Yes, you read the title correctly.
We are celebrating our 666+1 followers of
our quaint little, dark sided challenge blog here.
There are now 666 +1 beasties who follow our blog! Wow!
Thank you to everyone who stops by, comments, and even dares to
play with us. We appreciate you all, and look forward to spreading
the word of the "dark artist", to all who will listen.
Join us, if you dare!
Dontcha have a horribly underused Devil stamp or image?
Or maybe something inspired by Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast album?
A bunch of the Minions are still metal heads, so Iron Maiden was our first
thought for this theme. How about six of something? Be creative!

Here is some more inspiration for you guys.

Devilishly Deviant Donna
(channeling her former Creepy Cricut Cween Title)

Enter your Number of the Beast projects here.


KristyLee said…
Wowzers both of these projects are trippin' cool!
Sandra Carey said…
Amazing talent your dt have xx
Disco Queen said…
I'm so upset right now :-( I decided to enter your challenge for the first time & spent many many hours crafting a beautiful creation only to find that the online gallery where I usually post my work is closing down & no longer excepting downloads. I would love to enter future challenges, but don't want my own blog at this time. So. If anyone can suggest another gallery I would really appreciate it.
are you on facebook Disco Queen?

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