Macabre Monday - 666: The Number of the Beasts

Yes, you read the title correctly.
We are celebrating how close we are to 666 followers of
our quaint little, dark sided challenge blog here.
There are nearly 666 beasties who follow our blog! Wow!
Actually, as of this writing, we are only ONE follower away 
from that magically dark number. 
Thank you to everyone who stops by, comments, and even dares to
play with us. We appreciate you all, and look forward to spreading
the word of the "dark artist", to all who will listen. 
Join us, if you dare!

So to truly celebrate, we are having a 
Number of the Beast 
themed challenge this fortnight.  

Bring out yer beasties and yer monsties! You could even use the number
six (or multiple sixes) in your project, or make an Iron Maiden project as well.
It's up to you. Interpret the theme as you like, but remember to keep it
creepy, dark, Gothic, Steampunk, or Hallowe'en in nature. 

And we're offering some equally wicked prizes to commemorate this
auspicious event. The Minions are still hammering out the details 
of all of the prizes, but just know that some original Minion artwork is involved!!
We're not only awarding prizes to our chosen Gruesome Twosomes,
but we are also going to award a special prize to one (or more) lucky entrants
Nice, right?

Keep in mind, this is all in good fun. We are not promoting Satanism, 
(nor are we condemning it), but we are celebrating our own popularity,
and having some fun while we're at it. 

So maybe you're still wondering what we're talking about with theme.
Take a look at some inspiring Minion works to get your mojo flowin'.

Blackdragon- Sultana of the Sinister  

This is on the prize table. This alone should get you moving.

Contagion of Corruption - Croms

An altered book box - with some goodies inside, could also be yours.

Maniacal Mother of Mayhem Mo

an Art Journal page, with a fun beastie drawing and a biblical quote as finishing touch

Temptress Of Terror - Teri

This wicked image of the beasties from Delicious Darkness
is up for grabs to one lucky winner. 

More prizes will be announced next week.
Be sure to stop back by next Monday, and see the new inspiration pieces, too. 


Anonymous said…
Congrats on your 666 followers! As always outstanding work by the minions!
maureenjscott said…
Fabulous milestone for the blog!!! Congratulations!! And what fabulous inspiration from the DT! So excited with those prizes - the altered box and book are stunning! Definitely getting my beast on!! hahaha Mo xxx

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