HDH110 - Gods and Monsters and some Gruesome Twosomes

The following bit of art is purely intended for
entertainment purposes and is in no way a
direct slap to organized religion. I hope you
can appreciate it in the spirit in which it is intended.
If you are devoutly religious, easily offended,
or just new around here, you have been warned. 

This week's Macabre Monday challenge here at HDH is
Gods and Monsters.
I love the movie and I like the juxtaposition of the two words.

Here is my interpretation of the challenge.

Say hello to ZomBaby Jesus!

I remember the cashier at the thrift store
telling me that they had the whole Nativity set 
if I was interested.

I can also fondly recall the look of disdain and the
rush to end my transaction after I told her what
I had planned for this sweet baby Jesus.
Don't ask. I won't tell.  

There is stil time to play along at HDH this week, and there
is an awesome prize up for grabs from this week's sponsor

Did someone say Gruesome Twosome?!
The GT from the "You're Making a Scene!"
challenge sponsored by Make it Crafty are
You get your pick of any two digis from Make it Crafty,
and one other lucky winner gets a set of the MiC Mini Monztas!
That lucky weiner is
Please contact me here to get your prizes rolling.  
Last week's GT's for the
Inner Workings challenge are
Congrats to all of our winners!
Please grab your badge if you don't already own one.


Jenn Borjeson said…
ROFL I can only imagine the look on the cashier's face, oh man I'm dying laughing over here. Thanks for the giggle. :)
LOL I wish I'd been there!

Fab piece of art Glo..... Love it :)

Fiona. x

p.s. am I really the third winner of the gruesome twosome?
OMG Where are my manners???

Congratulations to Alison, Angela, Chloe and Lady B. Well done Ladies :)

Fiona. x
DonnaMundinger said…
ROTFLMAO! you're gonna burn in hell, Glo! xxD
Creepy Glowbugg said…
Someone has to stoke the fires until you get there Donna!
Yvonne said…
Oh so fabulous, Donna!
pensive pumpkin said…
oh wow. that is HYSTERICAL!
Mish B said…
Ha, ha, ha...I just bought an ornament or something of the sort (like a shrine) at a thrift store that had Mary in the middle of it, but it was the shrine part I was after. The cashier asked me if I was gonna put it on my tree, and I said, no, I'm prying Mary out and putting a grave yard scene in it...OMG, the look on her face was priceless :p
ike said…
Bwaahahahahaha - priceless. Good job we can feel free to do this on here at least !!
You're definitely going DOWN Glo :-D LoL xxx
Allison said…
I've tried to e mail you and don;t know if you got it and now when I click the here link it gives me nothing so I don;t know if you got my email????

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