SBS Summer Zombie Previews - Betty
DISCLAIMER: This is one bright-ass card. I'm just sayin'.
It is so sunshiney, that my skin is starting to blister just looking at it :)
I have crawled so far out of my box, that I may never find my way back... the one saving grace is that the card has a zombie on it. :) Otherwise you might have thought some sweet & cheery people went all willy-nilly with the HDH blog and had the Minions and I tucked away in the dungeon, right?
Sorry... tangent... on to the Summer Zombie Betty preview!
I know, right? I must say that the iced brain cream cone is pretty awesome.
I went with the bright green, Frankenstein-esque skin tone for this one. And that is one brassy bleach job she had done... just sayin'.
Wanna see some more Summer Zombie Betty? Pop on over to the Simply Betty Stamps Blog for photos and links. And don't forget that there will be two more Summer Zombies to go & Friday is Release Day, where you'll be able to get your mitts on these zombies yourself!
This card IS very BRIGHT and beautiful TFS
I think you must have spring fever, it makes people bright and sunney lol
Fiona. x