Meet Terrifically Terrifying Teri!

Finally, right?!!!  The Macabre Minions and I felt it was time to bring Teri into our little hoard... I mean how many times has she been part of a weekly Gruesome Twosome?!  I don't know exactly, but it was A LOT!
So please welcome, Terrifically Terrifying Teri:
Hiya Folks!
My name is Teri, and I am a stay at home Mum. I live in North-East Scotland with my hubby and three little ones, aged 12, 11 and 7.

I trained as a Graphic Designer, seems like a lifetime ago now, and have worked in the newspaper industry making up pages for print (pre-computers!) and later with magazines and advertising when computers came along. (Makes me sound old!!)This is where I learned the basics in Quark Express and Photoshop, which I use constantly!

I have been raising my family for the last twelve years, and only delved into the realms of Crafting after the birth of my youngest. I started 'blogging' in May 2009, and got into doing many weekly challenges including Macabre Monday!

I started using my drawing skills to make images for my cards, as I didn't want to go buying all the cutsie stuff everyone else gets. Don't get me wrong though – cute has it's place, just haven't decided where yet. . .
After much persuasion I decided to start selling my ickle creations in blogland, and so Delicious Doodles was born and I haven't looked back since!

I get my inspiration from all over really, nature for the flowery and animal images, architecture, art etc. I recently started dabbling in the more gothic/dark and fantasy side of things with fairies and mythical beasties, and Macabre Mondays have been a fabulous source of inspiration for me along those lines. After all, without these challenges I wouldn't have tried drawing many of my darker images.

So it is with great pleasure that I step up to the plate and become a Minion of the Macabre – mwuahahahaha! Watch out peeps, I'm coming to get ya!

Squelchy drippy hugs,
Teri xx

Delicious Doodles Shop

Teri has a fabulous style and her drawing talents are fantastic :)  I know she is one busy lady, so I was beyond thrilled when she said that she would join our Macabre Minions!  She is a dark inspiration to us all!

If you are new to this blog and would like to read about the other Minions, you may do so
Now, how are your challenge projects coming along, my pretties?  It's already Thursday


Miranda said…
Hi Teri, I love your drawings they're fab.
Looking forward to your contributions for the HDH

Andrea C said…
It's great to have you with us Teri, squelch eek drippy stuff! x
Crystal said…
Glad you are an addition to the creepy crew!!!
DonnaMundinger said…
Welcome, my dear! So glad you joined our little bit of insanity. Woohoo! xxD
DonnaMundinger said…
Welcome, my dear! So glad you joined our little bit of insanity. Woohoo! xxD
Anonymous said…
Love your drawings and hopefully I won't make you cringe too much with my cutsey darkside! lol
Great to see you on this side Teri. I am a great fan of all your work. Gives the rest of us a chance of winning now lol

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