And now...

.introduce you to The Sisterhood of the Sinister...
Haunted Design House's very own
Macabre Minions!
{trumpets sounding: doot doot doot doooooot}
wait a sec...

{maybe it should be shrieking screams instead?}

At any rate, here they are!

{Sultana of the Sinister & Macabre Mistress}
I'm also known as Blackdragon because I ALWAYS wear black and adore dragons.  I love darker art, but not the gorey stuff.  I have a warped sense of humour, and love to have inky fingers.  I am known to have an artistic flair and create detailed scenic pieces that tell a story.

I am one busy mum of three hailing from the UK.  When I've got a free moment between the kids & oldies, I am busy creating work for the five other design teams of which I am part and I am hoping to open an Etsy shop very soon!  I was very proud when Barb made me one of the two Macabre Mistresses, along with the wonderful Oz.

The Oz
{Sovereign Monarch of Mayhem & Macabre Mistress}
My name is Linda but I have answered to many things over my years on this planet. The most important to me being Mom and Darling. After several failed attempts, I found my life partner Robert in 1999 and sadly lost him to a brain tumor in 2006. Before he left though, he instilled in me a deep deep craving for life and all of it's goodness that just hasn't gone away. Even though I am now myself fighting cancer, I laugh, cheer, smile, hug and love every moment of my life. This is it folks and this is the "Good Stuff" don't waste it.

I have crafted all of my life and plan on having glue and my MS score pad on my tombstone. Right now it is difficult for me to sit up and create but that just means I am planning.... oh boy if you could see what I am going be making soon!!

I was thrilled to death to find Barb's little dark side blog because it opened up the opportunity to create from the heart and mind in any direction I could take it. I was loving the challenges all over blogland but truthfully some of them were getting so awfully stale. Being a Macabre Mistress has allowed me to shake loose my wings, show a little horn and sprinkle a little dried newt into my Chai all with a touch of guilty pleasure.

Now Barb has honored me with a "Sally Field" award. OMG, you like me... you really do like me! and right at the only (hopefully) time I am not able to play.  But I am getting better, shrinking those damn tumors, and even caught myself admiring a 6-pack of abs the other day. You know that is one of the most important signs of recovery!!!  So even though this bio doesn't list all my past accomplishments, design teams, featured artists, awards or publishing dates, I hope it does express to you my desire to be part of this marvelous group and foremost my NEED and desire to return to creating and play along side! Thank you Barb for your vote of confidence and to my sister Minions..... I SHALL RETURN!

Gloria Steiger aka "Creepy Glowbugg"
{Cadaverous Concoctor of Chaos}
Born September 16, 1970 in Newport Beach, CA. That makes me a Virgo, and if you are one, or know one, I really don't need to say anymore.

My grandparents were a doctor and a nurse in my grandfather's private practice in a small town in Texas. They moonlighted for 30 plus years as magicians, and their wedding anniversary was on Halloween, so "it" has been in my blood since conception (it skipped a generation though, cause my parents are not cool at all).

I am currently on two other design teams, Hambo and The Burtonesque Dolls. I have managed to 'creep-out' or 'gross-out' the relatively mainstream images from Hambo and I am fitting in quite nicely with the Dolls and their Tim Burton inspired challenges.

I love Copics, Jim Henson is my personal saviour, and nothing beats Led Zeppelin, except the Doors.

I have been a fan of HDH for quite a while now, and I feel a kindred spirit in Barb and the Minions. It is quite an honor to be grouped with such a talented bunch of ladies who share the same twisted, black and orange dreams as I do.  Huzzah!

{Creepy Cricut Cween}
Hi, I'm Donna, and I'm so honored to be one of the Macabre Minions here at Haunted Design House. I've always done some sort of crafting, but began making cards after receiving a Cricut Expression in May 2008. I love doing shaped cards using Cricut Design Studio and have more recently begun stamping and exploring other creative techniques.
I've been married since dinosaurs roamed the Earth (almost 35 years, YIKES!) and we're proud parents of 2 furbabies, Goliath and Jezebel.  It's quite a treat being retired and being able to craft the day away.  My participation in the awesome Macabre Monday challenges has surprised a few of my followers, but those who REALLY know me know I'm a Halloween and Horror freak (with a special spot in my heart for the supernatural and occult).  Don't let that smile fool you!  I can be EVIL!  Mwaa!

{Devious Digital Demon-ess}
I'm writing this entirely of my own free will and Barb has NOT threatened to unleash her flying monkeys. All is perfectly lovely here at HDH and the new design team is NOT being chained up in a dank dungeon and forced to inject Eye of Newt into candy corn, not at all, I don't know what could have put that idea into your head.
p.s. If you see my hubby, tell him I love him. NOOOOOOOOOO! No! I'm sorry Mistress Barb, I didn't mean it! 
{rest of text is illegible due to copious amount of blood splashed all over the page

And lastly, there's me:
{Masterful Mistress of the Macabre}
I have nothing REMOTELY as witty as what Susan has written... dammit.  
I'm a not-so-mild-mannered Architectural Project Manager by day, and Miss Artsy Arts & Crafts by night.  I'm also a demonstrator for The Angel Company (I know... the name REALLY doesn't fit my creepy vibe, does it?!!).  I am married to the MOST un-romantic man EVER, whom I lovingly call Poot :)  We have two K-9 kids, Heidi (yellow lab) & Thor (red shepherd & lab mix) who obviously think we are the pets of the house.

I have always had an affinity for Halloween.  Dressing up that one night every year was (and is) a blast!  For one evening you get to really let loose and pretend to be whatever you want (or truly are!).  Half of my Halloween decor is out all year-round... what's not to love about copper pumpkins, poison bottles & spider candle holders?  I've even got a HUGE cast iron cauldron that is proudly sitting on my front porch... you know, we don't get THAT many salesmen coming by anymore :)

I've had such a good time with this little ol' blog, and hope to make it even more fun with some help from my Macabre Minions :)  They are so talented and I am thrilled that they've agreed to it.  So do you want the low-down on some upcoming awesomeness?

Macabre Mondays will always be here!  Duh.  I know.  BUT, now the Minions will be giving extra eerie inspiration to spurn additional challenge participants!  AND we're getting some fabulous sponsors!!!
... to name a few!  I KNOW!  I'm totally psyched!  Starting late next month, HDH will be celebrating
a year's worth of challenges!
I KNOW!  I can't believe it either.  I want to thank all of you for your wonderful comments, challenge participation, inspiration, AND enabling :)

Fiendishly Fun Fridays will be starting up soon!  Totally random creepy links, bizarre photos, weird factoids, and WTF moments :)  Me thinks you'll enjoy it.

I will start listing upcoming HDH challenges in the sidebar so that you can plan ahead :)  There are soooooo many great challenge sites out in blogland that there is no way we can do them all, so I'm hoping this will help you out :)

So, what do you think?  Am I long winded or what?!  How about some blog candy to celebrate the Macabre Minions?!  Just leave a comment with a couple of key words describing each of five Minions and me... just to make sure you actually read all of this stuff :)  We'll draw a name on Sunday August 1st... wanna know what the prize is?  Too bad!  You won't know until you open it ':)


Andrea C said…
hmm where would you start.... talented, crazy, dark, a little bit creepy (hehe) and totally NUTS!!!! xx (am I banned now!) x
Crystal said…
Super talented, out of the box thinkers, eerie inkings, all around creepy bunch of gals.....
Love it loads!!!
Kimmarie Baker said…
Love all the creepiness of your blog! Seems like you have an array of ghoul masters on your team. I can't wait to be inspired some more.
Kimmarie Baker said…
Love all the creepiness of your blog! Seems like you have an array of ghoul masters on your team. I can't wait to be inspired some more.
Okay, I'm spooked...delightfully so, that is! :-) Congratulations to the wonderful and sassy devious HDH Macabre Minions! What a fabulous introduction - this promises to be a bit of dark fun that I'm so looking forward to ladies! :-) Um...some of you really are creepy so I've got my broom on standby in case I need a quick getaway! HEEHEEHEEEE {imagine the most sinister of all witches' cackles}
blackdragon said…
AY -UP.... who added ARTISTIC to my bio?...... Not me! BARB???? you've been making me sound better than i am again!
I am honoured to be in the company of all these sinister sisters, minions of the macabre..... BETTER GET MY ACT TOGETHER NOW!
xxx lynx
Alison said…
WHat fang-tastic introductions! I think ALL of the Minions are so truly incredible! Lynx rocks ALL of her DT's, Oz, I wish you all the best! I send you white light. Beat that nasty cancer! Gloria, you share your Birthday with an amazing Daddy! Donna, you already know I think you rock! And your furbabies names are so rad! Susan, looks like the eye of newt already gotcha! Cannot wait to see more of your creepyness! And of course, Barb, you truly ARE the Master! I leave witchy stuff on my porch too! Those that "sell" their religion tend to avoid our house!

Good luck to all! This is gonna make HDH rock even more!!! I am stoked for all that is to come!
Gina said…
Oo! How to do this without sounding like an insult haha...(nervous laugh)
The Lady Lynx is "dark n warped", The Lovely Oz is "full of Hope",the Creepyglowbug is a "Gruesome Rockchic", delicious Donna's soul is "anciently wicked". Sensative Susan is "a slave to the craft" and the beautious Barb is "The Most Highly Exalted Quenn of the Macarbre".
Hope this is what you meant Barb or I'm cursed forever :D XXX
Jen Carter said…
Barb, I just have to say that your bio was so much fun to read and I love your picture...look at all that hair! Cute!! You are so much fun and always make me laugh. I never know what to expect when I read your posts but there is almost always something in them that makes me laugh! :)
Linda aka Oz said…
did ya all notice how the mouthy one got the longest bio...hehe And Lynx, I thought she said autistic... wicked snicker....

girls...are we gonna have fun or what!!!!

Hi Barb, I'm back and what a glorious welcome as I enter. To be introduced to the Mistresses of the Macabre like this. The gorgeous B.D./Lyn, whose little scenes have inspired my own. The wonderful and brave OZ, get better soon Linda, your showpieces are missed but not as much as you would be. The amazing Creepy Glowbug, I have been bowled over by this lady's work. No one that thinks Led Zep rules can be all bad. Donna, who has aged so well considering she is millions of years old, is another lady that I hold in high esteem. Susan, I hope the bloodloss was not your own, your brilliant pieces of the past need company. Last but certainly not least is the supreme Mistress with her fantastic 8 eyed friend. No words can fully describe the wonderous creations that emerge from her crafty room.
Macabre Minions I salute you all
Helen x
OOps nearly forgot ....... sorry..... thanks Barb for the package - it arrived this week :D
blackdragon said…
OZ!!!! You're right it does say AUTISTIC..... or am i DYSLEXIC?
I think the SULTANA bit takes some beating..... am i sweet and fruity of wrinkled and dried up? I asked 'OUR MASTER'.... but she said a bad word that rhymes with 'RAP' and said 'its the wife of a sultan'.... did you know our Johnny was a sultan?
Keep laughing OZ... Love ya lots!!! xxx
Sugar said…
What a great group of ladies! I'm loving learning more about all of you!
*giggling @ the cauldron on the porch*
I can't wait to see what awesome stuff you ladies share!
Days End Studio said…
Rattling chains to welcome the new Creepy Crew!!!!
So looking forward to all the thrills & chills ahead. :O)
Gina said…
Forgot to say, great idea to list upcoming challenges in side bar! Gives us newbies time to purchase images from sponsors in advance :D XXX
Celeste said…
Loved the bios. Now I know Barb has these ladies locked up in a "remotely" located "dungeon". They are being forced to create "good stuff" for their "warped" and "evil" mistress while listening to "Led Zeppelin." I love this blog. Although I do not get to play much, I think posting challenges ahead of time in the side bar may unleash the beast in me and I'll have time to play. Be careful, be very careful.
AprilsL8 said…
I loved reading all the bios! All of the warped, creepy, twisted, freaky,even, may I say, bloody good times that we will have under the Masterful Mistress of the Macabre, Barb,and her Macabre Minions are going to be fiendishly fabulous!

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