HDH068 Octopodally Ominous... by Barb

Have you totally just had a heart attack from seeing a post with an HDH068 challenge card done by me?!  I know!  Cah-raaa-zy.  And the crazier part is that I'll be back in a day or two with a SECOND one... yeah... I know... un-effing believable.  :)

Since the winter holidays are JUST around the corner, how apropos is this?!  I seriously fell in LOVE with this little snowman... it's a bit warped and twisted... sooooooo up my alley :)
I should probably do my 8-item breakdown that was part of the challenge:
1:  card base, 2:  blue-grey panel, 3:  sentiment, 4:  webby trim, 5:  snowman, 6:  straight ribbon, 7:  separate bow, 8:  snowflake gem

How do you like how grungy this guy is?  It kinda looks like he was made from that snow along the street that has all of the dirt & grime thrown over it, no?  All misshapen and a little sad.  That's why I thought the sentiment was particularly fitting :)

 Digi:  Whimsical Snowman (Octopode Factory)
Rubber stamp:  retired TAC sentiment
Paper:  Caboodle White & scarlet cardstocks (TAC), blue-grey cardstock (Bazzill)
Ink:  VersaFine Onyx
Other:  ribbon & trim (May Arts), gem (JoAnn's)
Copics:  0, BV20, BV23, C00, C3, C5, C7, E57, E59, G21, G24, G28, R35, R37, R59

How are YOUR challenge cards coming along?  :)


Anonymous said…
This creation is BAAAAD! Tee-Hee

Can't wait to view the next one!
Alison said…
This is great! The grungy snowman rocs. And I love that webbing!
How awesome! I love that snowman!
Catherine said…
Barb, this is totally AWESOME! The Octopode is my new love (I'm in collecting mode right now, but soon it will be using mode. LOL) and you have totally shown this snowman the creepy love on this card! The coloring is brilliant and I love that senti!
Suzanne said…
All I can think to say is OMG! This is so you! Great card!
FitterTwit said…
This is hysterical! I can't stop laughing... is that a cry for help? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Creepy Glowbugg said…
Love the dirty snow and his scissor arm!
Your creations are always worth waiting for!!
Am I on your Xmas card list?
Just checkin'.
Nancy said…
girl---that is one flippin awesome card there...that stamp is to die for...you never cease to amaze me with your creations....AWESOME!!!!

Andrea C said…
absolutely brilliant image, sentiment and card you nailed this big time x
DonnaMundinger said…
OMG, this ROCKS!!!! And with only 8 elements! You choose your embellies wisely, Madam. xxD
Netty said…
Brilliant. Annette x

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