Gruesome Twosomes & other assorted winners...

I'm not EVEN gonna start with excuses... you've heard them all before.
Let's just all agree that I suck...
and not in a good way :)

Now, on to those that DO NOT suck!
If you are one of the winners, be sure to grab the Gruesome Twosome badge and link back here... display it with pride, my pretties :)

HDH063 - Freaker's Free for All Gruesome Twosome: 
Aisling for her awesome altered playing card, and Happy Days for her ATC treat pouch.  And the prize winner is Nancy for skully santa in da hood. :)
Please email me your mailing address again, Nancy, so I can get your goodies out to you!  My email address is in my sidebar :)

HDH064 - Butchered Blueprint Gruesome Twosome: 
Croms for her skully Noel card, and Raeven for her delightfully different collage card.  Fabulous work, girls!  Nikki of Limited Runs Stamps is sponsoring this week's challenge and the lucky winner whom will receive their choice of THREE digis from from her shop is... Katt!  Please email me so that I can forward it on to Nikki for your prize :)  And thanks, Nikki!

HDH065 - Ravenous Ravens Gruesome Twosome: 
Sarah for her tribute to The Birds, and Gina for her disturbing sheep card.  And the prize winner is Alison...
please email me your mailing address so I can get your goodies out to you!  My email address is in my sidebar :)

Crystal for her delightfully cute twist on a sweet image, and Andrea for a fan-freakin-tastic painting!
Andrea, please email me your mailing address (one more time!) so I can get your goodies out to you!  My email address is in my sidebar :)

HDH067 - Paper Pandemonium Gruesome Twosome: 
Alex for her FANTABULOUSLY fun Zombie handbook, and Katt for her her clever use of dp as sky and ground.  Susan of Crafty Chaos Designs is sponsoring this week's challenge and the the winner will get to choose any THREE items from the shop, AND the Gruesome Twosome will get to choose ONE EACH!  This week's prize winner is Teri for her beyond elegantly creepy raven in a skull tree :) 
 Ladies, please email me so that I can forward it on to Susan for your prizes :)  And thanks, Susan!

Whew.  Now to crown the November Master of the Macabre.  THAT will have to wait a day or two... sorry guys!  BUT, tune in tomorrow for a fun challenge sponsored by Octopode Factory!!


DonnaMundinger said…
Congrats to all, you guys! What beyond fabulous work you've been creating all in the name of the macabre! WooHoo! xxD
Alison said…
WooHoo!!! Congrats to all!!! And thank you so much, Barb!!!
Congrats to everyone and what a lovely start to my morning :) Thanks so much hun.x
WOW! I am in some amazing company! Thank you SO much Barb! I display this badge with LOTS of pride!!!
Wow! I most certainly will display my badge with pride! Thanks Barb! I always have fun making these challenges. Congrats to all!
Many thanks Barb for this honour - finding myself in the company of these awesome ladies :)

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