Ok, this isn't creepy or Halloweenie, or anything... but....

I just HAD to share about the class I'm teaching on November 30th at The Scrapbook Page in Shawnee, Kansas :)  Please pop over to my other blog for additional photos and info... thanks!


Gina said…
Fabulous Barb! Enjoy your class :D XXX
FitterTwit said…
AH, well, I don't know... that snowman has a pretty sinister smile. And what, is he peepin in the window??? That's pretty creepy to me! ;) <--- I knew that would make you feel better! LOL!
Andrea C said…
wow looks bloomin amazing! x
Andrea C said…
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Cheryl Valadez said…
Barb, I went to your other blog to check out all the fab pages of this amazing project. I wish I lived closer, 'cuz I would SO be signed up for the class right now! Sinister or not, it is uber-awesome!

BTW, thanks for signing up to follow my husband's blog. You're da bomb, chickie!!

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