HDH058 - Magical Mayhem

HDH Macabre Monday Rules:
1. Create a dark and macabre SOMETHING (card, scrap page, altered item, whatever) that follows the specific Macabre Monday challenge given. Cutesy is fine, but creepy is better :)
2. You have until the following Sunday night @ 5pm central time to post your creation and
please leave a direct-link back here.
3. If you upload to any online galleries (TACPCC, S&S, PCP, SCS, etc.), please tag the title using HDH058.
4. Weekly giveaways! Some weeks will be loaded with loot, others not-so-much... but the thrill is in the win, right?! Some prizes shall be by random drawing, others hand picked... and I'm not telling you ahead of time :)
5. I'll be selecting a weekly Gruesome Twosome (my top two favorite creations) from all the players. At the end of every month these will be compiled and a Master of Macabre will be selected and will receive a little giftie from me... this could be stamp sets, handmade items, papers, halloweenie embellishments... you just never know.

Ok, my little pretties... your challenge this week:
Magical Mayhem

Use anything associated with magic:  witch/wizard, wand, cauldron, book of shadows... as long as there is something magical with a touch of the macabre!

And check out what the Macabre Minions have in store for your viewing pleasure:

Macabre Mistress Lynx:
You can't get much more magical than this!  Witchy pentagram eyes with that cauldron... perfect work as always, my friend!

Concoctor of Chaos, Creepy Glowbugg:
There is some seriously awesome embossing going on with this one!  You MUST check out the other photos on Creepy Glo's blog... LOVE IT!

Creepy Cricut Cween Donna:
One of my all time FAVORITE papers!  And the coloring on this Sweet Pea image is wonderful, Donna!!

Digital Demon-ess Susan:
Great digital piece once again, Susan!  What is bubbling away in that cauldron?  And what exactly is "Angwusi"... did you just curse me?  :)

Fabulous work from my Macabre Minions... so much more than what I've not been doing lately!
Ok... your turn... let's see you work some magic!

And yes, I know I am EXTREMELY behind in announcing winners from the past few challenges... I'm hoping to get caught up this week... cast a spell for me!

p.s... don't forget about the free giveaway at the bottom of the post HERE!!
What, you guys don't like free schtuff??


Alison said…
This is a fabulous challenge! And wowzers! What awesome creations from the minions...as usual!
LOOOOOOOOOVE the creations! Will get busy on mine :)
Even if I weren't considering doing a piece - I would come along and look at the minions work all collected together. "Magical"
Patti J said…
You gals are scaring me silly! lol..great cards!!!
Anonymous said…
Both the Macabre Minions and the participants have done a great job!
Nancy said…
ohh man, another week with no card...I have got to stop this...lol...love the DT's cards...and look at those entries...awesome....hopefully next week I can join in...

Linda said…
I am a bit late with my card. For whatever it is worth here is the link.


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