It's a Love/hate thing and the Gruesome twosomes

Here some more LOVE/HATE  inspiration from the Minions, they were allowed off their chains just long enough to create you some creepy projects.  You all know we Minions are allergic to cute, pink and fluffy so please don't enter traditional Valentines stuff in the Love/Hate challenge, just make it bloody, scary, gothic, creepy, twisted and dark. Trust me you don't want to risk being haunted by the Minions for entering traditional "nice"Valentine projects.......let's keep things creepy OK?

This was what the Minions came up with this time....

Creepy Glowbugg decided it was time to change this little Cupid into something amazingly devlish 

 this is much better if you ask me ...... 

Temptress of Terror Teri created an awesome digital piece,......or should I say Dish......

think this picture made you all did make the Minions drool.

Maniacal Mother of Mayhem Mo altered a plastic frame and a broken heart of glass into this

Spreader of Sickness Susan is pretending to be nice on he inside, but the Minions aren't convinced.

You can enter your project here.

After being punished for not choosing the winners last time, we all learned our lesson (we are still healing from the whiplashes, so how can we forget), so perfectly on time, we are proud to announce our Gruesome Twosome and their Macabre Masterpieces for the "What's new pussycat "challenge of  January (some more important info you don't want to miss below the winners, so hang in there and keep on reading)

Congrats Laila aka Koneko with the wonderful creepy card below
and Teresa with her awesome Pandora's  Box
Both are true Macabre Masterpieces.

Now the cool part of being a Gruesome Twosome (actually there are 2 cool parts)  first is you both get to wear the  pretty badge below on your blog to brag about being a winner in the Dungeon by creating a Macabre Masterpiece ..... guys are invited to be a Guest Minion to make an inspirational project for next month challenge at Haunted Design House (Now how cool is that huh?).

For information contact Mo here

Remember we have monthly challenges now and every month the Minions will choose 2 Macabre Masterpieces and their creator will be Gruesome Twosomes and deserve a GDT spot in the Dark Cold Dungeon. Who has earned the most Macabre Masterpiece badges this year will get a prize donated by each keep your scary stuff coming...........


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