We're ba-ack!

Oh yes, the Minions are back, and it's been getting a bit fetid in the dungeon, so we're all itching to get out and share our creations. Are you ready to celebrate the macabre with us again? The Minions have created some AMAZING creations to inspire you, but before we get on to that, we have a few changes to announce. We're now going to be running just one challenge a month, starting on the first Monday of every month and running until just before the next month's challenge.
Monthly Macabre Mondays, because we do love a bit of alliteration. 
We're not going to have any sponsors, but the Minions will pick their favourite Macabre Masterpiece from the entries each month, and that person will receive a unique badge. At the end of the year, the person who has won the most badges will be lauded as the greatest mortal in the land and will receive a selection of gifts from the Minions in recognition of your work. The challenges will be relatively open to interpretation, so we're going to limit each person to 3 entries per challenge.
Show us your most gothic, macabre, twisted creations and revel in the dark side of crafting. 
You can link with as many other challenges as you like, you can use any medium you like and you can make it as horrific as your evil little heart desires. All we will say on the question of style is that cute and sweet and nice are not what we're about. We're here to celebrate your inner demons, NOT to sweet-talk your inner cherubs :P
Our first challenge of the year is "What's new, pussycat?"
You can use new stash, or a new technique, or cats, or focus on something that's "new" New year, new moon, newly dead, new fears, new passions. We told you they were going to be open to interpretation! The Minions' favourite will be announced on the third Monday in February and the creator will be allowed to display this badge with pride.

And now we have some creations by the Minions to inspire and delight.

A tree of life for a new home, using a new glue gun.

The newly dead, and cats, using new stash.

A self-help book for the newly undead. (A perfect gift for the recently zombified!)

A new technique for Mo (stamping on tissue, then decoupaged onto wood)

Another new technique for Ike (stamping on clay)

New artist and new kit used here.

Creepy Glowbugg

New stamp and new various sparkly goodies.

So, now you've seen what the Minions have done, won't you come and play along? We'd love to have you join us and spread the creep around a little! Come back on the third Monday of each month  for more inspiration from the Minions and to find out the winner of the previous challenge.


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