Long overdue winners announcements and some creatures, too.

I have received my punishment
for neglecting to announce the 
Gruesome Twosomes 
from the last FOUR challenges.
The lashings are still fresh, so I may need to rest
in between paragraphs. Here goes.
From our "Children of the Night" challenge:


Please contact Ike here to claim your 3 digis each from her shop.    

For our "Let's Play a Game" challenge:
jigsaw frame


For our "Skullduggery" challenge:


Please email me your mailing addresses here, so I can have your
prize packs mailed out by the Mistress herself.

And lastly, 
we have the winners of the "Steampunk Junk" challenge:
steampunk mask


Congratulations to all of our super talented winners!
We really appreciate you visiting and playing in the dungeon with us.
Makes those cold, dark hallways, and damp dungeon rooms, a tiny
bit more bearable knowing we're not alone.
Don't forget to grab your GT badge to post proudly on your blog. 

Before you go, please check out my creations for our current challenge,

Stop by my blog and check out all the details.

You still have some time to play along!
Enter your submissions here. 


LisaVeronica said…
Thank you! :)
Gráinne said…
Wow, thank you so very much and many congrats to the other winners - marvellous work all around. Suzanne xx
nwilliams6 said…
Wonderful stuff! I had forgotten how fun these challenges are! I can't get the email link for you (Creepy Glowbug) to work on my computer - my email is kwilliams6@emore.rr.com! Thanks!

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