Teri's Terrors

Welcome to the Countdown to Hallowe'en 2013!!

We are honored to be among the 192 fellow Hallowe'en revelers 
participating in this month long blog hop!
If you'd like to see the entire list of participants,
it can be found here.

Hi, Minion Croms aka The Contagion of  Corrosion, here. It's my turn to post a little something to help keep you in the Hallowe'en spirit on the run up to the best festival of the year.

I'd like to make sure you have been introduced to another of our Minions - our shrinking violet Teri (THE Temptress of Terror) and to some of her fabulous images. Teri does have a shop, Delicious Doodles. It'll be worth your while taking a wander down the aisles.
All the images that I bring you today have been lovingly drawn by our Talented lady.
What does this fabulous little box contain?
A glorious array of tombstones

Full deets can be found on Teri's World.

The next project was made by me using Teri's images
A set of coasters.

Well those goblets of witches' brew need to rest on something

Full deets on my blog

Thanks for looking and just a gentle reminder the entries for the Dimensional Halloween challenge ends tomorrow.


Crafting Vicky said…
This is really really awesome! Love them all. I think your coaster idea is just fabulous.
Unknown said…
Awesome, projects, Teri and Helen, love them you clever girls xxxx
Wings1295 said…
That box is incredible!
Matney said…
Rockin' box, great texture and full of wonderful tombstones!! Love all those eyes. Awesome inspiration and love those creative minds!
The box is fantastic and the coasters are fabulous. Great ideas .

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