Freaker's Free for All week 2

Running a little late, but the second week for our
challenge has begun!
Bring out your freak flag and wave it high!
We're looking for anything as along as it follows
our basic guidelines (see sidebar).

Oh! Really quick, before I unveil the Minion's
inspiration pieces, I want to blow our ancient Horn of  Huzzah,
and announce that the HDH team won our third victory in the 
Donna and I, were a two Minion wrecking crew and we took the win
with our "Danse Macabre" inspired projects. Thank you to everyone who
took the time to visit the entrants and vote, and an extra thanks 
for voting for us. 
If you missed it, you can see our entries here.
*Edit Sorry for repeating myself. I guess I forgot that I already
bragged about our win two weeks ago!  The fumes here in the dungeon
really deplete the brain cells. I gotta get out of here more. 

And now, on with the show.

Contagion of Corrosion Croms:
the happy couple atc

Sultana Of The Sinister Black Dragon:
Freakers free for all

Imp of Insanity Ike:
HDH171 a

Temptress of Terror Teri : Teri-Freaker!


Creepy Glo:

Please click on each Minion's name to be taken directly
to their blog to see more details and info on their killer projects.
I hope you've seen enough wicked deliciousness to get
you inspired to play along with us this week.
You have until Sunday evening to come up with something
fiendishly freaky!!!


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