Wretched Wednesday Nosferatu Ad nauseam

It is Wednesday already! Only one week until Hallowe'en!!
I add the exclamation points to give the illusion of enthusiasm.
I am B-U-R-N-T out this year! I didn't even decorate my house.
I know! The shock and horror of it all! I figure I have enough everyday
Hallowe'en inspired stuff adorning my house. To the layman, I decorated.
Kinda bummed, but not enough to warrant going through 20 boxes of decorations,
only to have it out for a week or two. Then comes Creepmas....    
the challenge this week is basically, vampires.
Easy enough with everyone already having their Halloween
supplies out and at the ready.
No cute schtuff please.
We are sponsored this week by Rick St. Dennis, who has generously
offered up 3 free digis of choice to the GTs this week.
We have a couple of samples to get your mid week mojo flowin'.
Creepy Cricut Cween Donna:  
The Contagion of Corrosion Croms:
Now how's that for inspiration???
There is plenty of time to prepare a vampy type project.
The deadline for entries this week is Sunday at 5 PM CST.
Now for the Gruesome Twosome for last week's
R.I.P. challenge.
Congratulations to
Grab your badge and display it proudly.
Thank you to everyone who played along last week.
Keep it creepy!!! 


pensive pumpkin said…
The twosome are FANTASTIC this week! Wow!

I'm kind of burned out too. I decorated, but I've already been taking it down. Sigh.
GrĂ¡inne said…
Congrats ladies, very well done!!
Best, Suzanne
Jenn Borjeson said…
Aw cool - thanks, guys. :) Smooches.
Woohoo, thanks so much for picking my Book of the Dead, I'm thrilled! Congrats to Jenn too, fabulous job!!!

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