HDH135 Distressed Mistress...

I'm not really distressed...
because I actually got to play along with the challenge this week!  Smeared Ink was awesome enough to offer up a sponsorship, and the Minions and I couldn't be happier... thanks SI!!

We tailored this week's challenge, "Pass the Distressing, Please", specifically for Smeared Ink...
their name says it all!  Ink it, rip it, tear it, file it, crumple it... you get the idea :)  Here is my offering:

other details:  Tim Holtz edge die & key die, Maya Road stick pin & rose trim, Karen Foster paper

I LOVE how this turned out.  In real life, the red is a true BLOOD red!  I added color with my Copics and then went to town distressing the edges & gettin' inky.  I even colored a clear crystal stick pin to match the red... me likey.

I used two of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE Smeared Ink images:

 Skull - Quoth the Raven

Aren't they fantastic?!  These images would be perfect to use on June 4th,
which happens to be:

Skull Appreciation Day!
Get more info about SAD over at the Skull-A-Day blog 


And Smeared Ink is doing a blog hop that day, so be sure to check it out to get your fix for everything skully >`:)

So, what do you think, stalkers?  Skulls today AND Monday... ahhh... bliss.


Hallowdean said…
I love this. The key is a wonderful touch and I can't help but wonder what it opens...
Love it!!! I understand why these would be your favorite images, they are AWESOME!!!
Gráinne said…
That's absolutely stunning!!!
And I'm green with envy :-D
I'm following this blog for quite a while and I'm always flabbergasted by the projects you all show around here ... I so do love nearly each and every one of them - but I'm sure I could never ever muster enough fantasy and creativity to match your artworks.
Great, great blog! Adore it.
I so love it when you find the time to join in Barb. You always produce the most amazing artwork and this is no exception. Hxx
~Lady B~ said…
Freakin' Fabulous!!! Awesome work!
DonnaMundinger said…
Fabulouso, oh Mistress. As always, you do not disappoint! Love, love, LOVE it! xxD

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