HauntedDesignHouse Design Team Call!

**This post will remain at the top of this blog until April 20th.  Please scroll down for new posts!**

That's right stalkers... we are looking for a new Minion to add to the dungeon here at HDH!  We are a special kind of brood, as I am sure you could guess, and we are on the prowl for new blood.  Don't fret... the current (fan-freakin-tastic) Minions are sticking around, we're just needing a new one to chain up a bit.  This Minion position is a permanent one, however you may be allowed to leave when you wish... maybe... or at least you can try to make a break for it :)
This DT call will be open until Friday, April 20th at 6pm central time (US).

What are the perks of being an HDH Minion?  You:
1.  Get to hang with the awesomeness that IS known as the HDH Minions.
2.  Will get in touch with your inner Darkside on a regular basis... why wait for Halloween?
3.  Have the freedom of using many different art mediums for your weekly challenge art... rubber stamping, papercrafting, paint, altered items, digital art, sculpture, etc. 
We encourage creativity here, not stifle it.
4.  Have the freedom to use any images from your favorite companies (as long as you abide by their TOU's) for your weekly challenge art.  When HDH is sponsored by a specific company, you may receive images with which to design.

So, how can you be considered to become a part of this creepy crew?  You:
1.  Must have a blog where you will showcase your terrifying talent.
2.  Must be able to create a weekly dark/Goth/Halloweenie contribution for HDH's Macabre Monday Challenge.  Cards, altered items, sculpture, paintings, etc. are acceptable, as long as the work pertains to the week's challenge theme.
3.  Must have a sense of humor and be able to handle cheeky banter... our Minions are a fun group and hold nothing back during our Yahoo group conversations.
4.  Must create a new blog post that showcases your dark talent for this DT call.  Though you may present older creations, we want to see work that embodies your current "style".  So, if you did something AWESOME two years ago, but it doesn't represent your style now, please don't include it in your post.  We would LOVE to see brand new items created specifically for this DT call!
5.  Must link back to this post and announce the DT call on your blog, Facebook, and/or Twitter.
6.  Fill out the linky below :)

HDH will also start having monthly Guest Minions, which will be past Masters of the Macabre.  Past Masters will start receiving their invites soon, along with the month in which their term will be served.
So, what say you all?


Oh why couldn't couldn't be a Master! Good Luck picking Barb:) Feel free to post your call on my FB wall;0)
wow, I never thought I'd see the day. Good luck choosing your new minion Barb. It's going to be a tough one me thinks
Janet said…
OH...i am gonna get working on this for sure!!! :)
DonnaMundinger said…
ROTFLMAO! "Cheeky banter", is that what you call it? I guess that's fair warning. HA! Do you dare? xxD
Anonymous said…
We invite you to share your creepy call via our listings at DesignTeamCalls.com so that all of our readers can find out about it.

Listings updated instantly upon submission of our free, easy online form.

So cool! I would so love to be part of this....just the weekly part is not going to happen. I wish I was that consistent.

Love checking out everyone else work!!! You are a great inspiration!

Great opportunity.......Thanks :)

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