HDH105 PMS - ala The Mistress

Just a heads up... I'm not feeling the mojo.  I almost didn't post this, but Creepy Glo talked me into... dammit.  This is what I get when I try to get all matchy-matchy.  I wanted to make sure the colors of the tickets were brought into the colored image & the card background.  O...M...G... remind me to not try that with bright-assed orange again, K?

The paper is Echo Park and the punch is from MS.  The uber-awesome image is from Delicious Doodles.  I really liked how her skin came out, though.  It's just that damn orange that f****d everything up :)  The tickets I picked up at a local boutique a year or two ago... LOVE them... and I hoard them.  They used to say "Trick" or "Treat"... but since it's a zombie, I thought maybe "ick" or "eat" was appropriate?  Besides, one of them was already torn up from the tape... so I made it work :)

You still have time to play along with our challenge this week!  Until Sunday at 5pm CST!  AND this icky entry will also be going into Graphicat's challenge for Anything Goes!


Creepy Glowbugg said…
Ooooh Barb! It's so cool! I love it!!
Your cards always rock!!! LOL!
LOVE LOVE LOVE her! I especially love the tickets saying "ick" and "eat" I'm gonna have to remember that for the future!!!
DonnaMundinger said…
How can you not love day-glo orange!? No really, this is FABULOUS! And the tickets made me giggle. xxD
CuddlyBunny said…
I'm thinking you need to tuck this away somewhere and "happen across" it again in the future ... because i think that given some distance you'll love this piece! It's awesome!

Honestly, I adore your splashes of orange and her white hair with the orange streaks! BRILLIANT!
sammi said…
Barb, I think this is fabulous!!!
I don't think the orange f****ed it up at ALL! It is totally awesome!! Love it! Thank you for joining the Graphicats this month!
BrigitteG said…
aweeesome stuff !! my goshh this is clever :)
ike said…
Totally AWESOME - I love it and I think the orange is fine !! You're beating yourself up over nothin' Girl !!
Ike xxx
Nancy said…
hey there girlie...I love this...even the bright orange..I love how it pops off the page...don't be to hard on yourself...love it!!!

Jenn Borjeson said…
No way - it IS awesome. The orange is the perfect touch, love it!
Graphicat said…
As *ICK-y* as this is....it's also FABULOUS!!! Love your creepy stuff girl, you make it look so fabulous!
I like to orange, I think it goes great with zombies!!! especially the streak in her white hair.
Fab piece :)

Fiona. x
Monika/Buzsy said…
Scary in a fabulous way! I think the colors are fabulous, and I love those tickets Barb!
Anonymous said…
Very, very creepy! Awesome colouring and you definitely have talent lady! Your colouring rocks. Thanx for joining us at Graphicat Sketch Challenges.

Sarah said…
I love the orange! I think it adds a cool pop to your card. Your coloring is freakin amazing! That skin is positively disgusting (in a good way! lol Thanks for joining our challenge at Graphicat Sketches!
Tanya S said…
Wow girl!!You have it all...fab coloring skills,creepiness and yep mojo!!Thanks for playing along with the Catz!!

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