On this day...

... our Masterful Mistress was born.

Happiest of Birthday wishes to you Barb!!

Yup, yup, yup! Today is Barb's birthday!!!
And not just any birthday either.
Shhh.... she's fifty. I mean forty!!!!
Either way it's gonna hurt.

On behalf of all of the Minions,
I'd like to wish you a simply glorious day
filled with good friends, good family, and a little YOU time.

I cannot leave without one last dig.
"Sag! You're it!"


Andrea C said…
Haha sag your it, genius! Have a wonderful birthday Barb you are only as old as you feel x
Happy, happy birthday Barb, I hope today is filled with things that make you smile inside and out :D
Alison said…
Happy Brithday!!!!! Hope it's fang-tastic!
DonnaMundinger said…
Have a Spooktacular birthday Barbie Doll! (That wasn't you posing for Mareil Clayton, was it? LOL Not that I'd blame you, turning 40 and all...) But seriously, have a great day and pop over to my blog to see your card. Of course it's not in the mail yet...DUH! xxD
Rosa Witten said…
Happy Birthday Barb!!! Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday Barb. Have FUN
blackdragon said…
Happy birthday, oh masterful mistress... 40? Damn you're just a baby!
much love always xxx
Happiest of days to you, Barb! Thanks for giving a kooky chick like me a place to bring my craftiness too. You rock!
Crystal said…
Happy 40th..... Its great getting older. I recently turned 50 and it just gets better and better.

Hope you get everything that you wish for and more!!!
Celeste said…
Happy Birthday Barb, and many more. Enjoy your special day!

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