Macabre Monday HDH079 - Body Bags & Toe Tags

HDH Macabre Monday Rules:
1. Create a dark and macabre SOMETHING (card, scrap page, altered item, whatever) that follows the specific Macabre Monday challenge given. Cutesy is fine, but creepy is better :)
2. You have until the following Sunday night @ 5pm central time to post your creation and please leave a direct-link back here. Please make sure that your blog post / upload has been made AFTER the challenge date... we wanna see fresh stuff, not those from a few weeks ago!!
3. If you upload to any online galleries (TACPCC, S&S, PCP, SCS, etc.), please tag the title using HDH079.
4. Weekly giveaways! Some weeks will be loaded with loot, others not-so-much... but the thrill is in the win, right?! Some prizes shall be by random drawing, others hand picked... and I'm not telling you ahead of time :)
5. We'll be selecting a weekly Gruesome Twosome (our top two favorite creations) from all the players. At the end of every month these will be compiled and a Master of Macabre will be selected and will receive a little giftie from Barb... this could be stamp sets, handmade items, papers, halloweenie embellishments... you just never know.

Ok, my little pretties... your challenge this week:
Body Bags & Toe Tags
You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween-based bag or tag project in a suitably macabre fashion.

And now... check out what the Macabre Minions have been up to...

Sultana of the Sinister Lynx:

Creepy Cricut Cween Donna:

Cadaverous Concoctor of Chaos Creepy Glowbugg
will be posting on Wednesdays, so check back later this week!!

Agent of the Abominable Andrea:

Temptress of Terror Teri:

Devious Digital Demon-ess Susan:

Now, how about you, my little pretties?? Are you up for the challenge this week?


Scrap Vamp said…
Fantastic work! These projects are so amazing!
Love the DT work, but I also love to go look at the entries. Any way I can see the links? My non technical self hasn't figured it out :)
Meep! We don't know what's going on either Alex, hopefully we'll sort it out soon :)
Nikki said…
thanks for the invite I've added in mine :)
hugs Nikki

Hey Barb try using another code for the same link list that might get you to view the entries (one that pops up perhaps might work)
YAY! thank you!!!
fab work by all the girls :D

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