A Celebratory Romp...

... sounds kinda dirty, doesn't it?  ;)  MUCH more fun than just a mere birthday bloghop, no?  Me & a couple of the Minions are doing a little Fiendishly Festive Friday Frolic to honor the Devious Digital Demoness' birthday today, Susan!  Susan does SO much for HDH, from writing up the challenge posts, to finding WONDERFUL little gems for Fiendishly Fun Fridays, to cracking us up with comments and suggestions.  We love ya' baby!

I know this little card isn't much, and of course you won't be receiving it in the mail today, but you will eventually!  I had hoped to create some bit of awesomeness like Creepy Glowbugg, but time once again slipped away from me... and she has all of that natural talent an all :P

All of the stamps are from The Angel Company, Palette inks, EK Success edger punch, Cricut diecut fence & of course... Stickles.  Susan loves purple and sparkly things, so there you go :)

Happy Birthday, Susan!  I hope today  is as awesome as you are!  

Now, if you'd like to see what some of the others have made for Susan:


Andrea C said…
I think this card is fab and if I had created it would be over the bloomin moon. You are nuts! x
DonnaMundinger said…
ADORABLE! I still can't believe I didn't use a cat! DUH! She's gonna LOVE it! xxD
Graphicat said…
heheheee Anything with a cat...specially a BLACK cat is purrrrfect in my books! LOVE IT!
Creepy Glowbugg said…
I am the most naturally talented in the village you know. Said in my best Daffyd impersonation. God I love Little Britain!
Awesome card Barb! Susan will love it!
Hey! You guys have been organising stuff without me! I'm sure that's against the guidelines in the Macabre Minion handbook. Oh nope, I just checked, all it says is "Barb is all-powerful and you must do as she says" :P
Thank you thank you thank you, I LOVE this card :D You're gonna turn me into a mushy Normal :P
That is the coolest birthday card I have ever seen!!


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