Blood-thirsty Thursday, HDH078 - My Beloved Monster and other blogsite updates...

Just wanted to let everyone know that I've cleaned up the sidebar a bit and created some handy pages that can be accessed by the tabs under the blog header:
  • Halloween/Goth stamp companies:  this tab has been there for awhile now.  And if you know of some that need to be added, please email me (see sidebar for link).
  • HDH badges:  here you can find badges for Gruesome Twosomes, Master of the Macabre, as well as one plain ol' "I love Macabre Mondays".  Grab 'em if you need 'em.
  • Creepy Cool blogs:  I really need to update this list!  Again, if you know of some AWESOME Halloween blogs, let me know!
  • Our Sponsors:  this is a new one!  The sponsors kept getting pushed down the way, so I felt they needed a page all to themselves!  Thanks for helping out with some of the prizes!  If you would like to sponsor an upcoming challenge, please contact me :)
  • Dt's, stores & other cool stuff:  these are all of the other badges and links for Design Teams I'm on, guest DT spots, challenge blog links, stores I like and/or work for, etc.

I was rushing around last night, trying to button up some DT things & blog stuff, and had a couple of spare minutes to throw this card together!  Yeay!  I ACTUALLY GOT TO PLAY ALONG WITH A CHALLENGE ON MY OWN BLOG!  Oh, sorry... I guess I was screaming :)
Here is my little monstie.  Isn't he cute?  I know he's from Stampotique, but I don't know his name as a buddy of mine sent me a stamped image quite a while ago!  The sentiments are both retired from TAC, and the uber-awesome batty fence is a MS border punch.
I've actually had this cutie colored up for a couple of months now.  Yeah.  I know.  How bad does THAT suck?  It took me longer to cut him out than to color him :)  I think he could be zombie-ish... but not as zombie-ish as Creepy G's card from yesterday... effing fantastic!
I must say that I love my Macabre Minions.  They have totally taken over so many of the duties here while I'm working... thanks guys!  Without you there wouldn't be an HDH challenge :)


Carol W. said…
love it, TFS
Andrea C said…
Absolutely fantastic work so glad you finally got a bit of you time x
Absolutely fantastic!!!

Aw yes, I do wanna play with him! Great card Barb! :D
DonnaMundinger said…
EEEK! Love him in green with the blood on his teeth! And that fence in red...fabulous! (says the hoity toity biatch.) LOL xxD
Scrap Vamp said…
I love that card! It's so creepy and cute!
Cgra said…
I love it! I'm really drawn to the top of the card with the subtle dots.
ike said…
OMG didn't I go to school with him ????
LUV it xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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