Fiendishly Fun Friday - parenting with a chainsaw

Two young boys watch one of the Texas Chainsaw films when they shouldn't. Finding the two huddled together in a single bed in the morning, with all the lights on, the parents decide to wake them up in a way that will probably scar them for life, but that does provide a highly amusing short video clip :P


Barb said…
LOL! Oh Susan... I LOVE your Friday posts :)
Andrea C said…
I hope that wasn't a real chainsaw!! omg heart in mouth comes to mind :p
LMAO I'm crying!!!! What good parents!
Gina said…
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! No that's what I call parenting with style :D XXX
Crystal said…
I almost peed my pants....that was hilarious!!!!!
Allison said…
LOL- now that's what I call good parenting skills
OMG when I saw this AFV I almost pee'd my pants and had an asthma attack from laughing so hard... My husband too was choking he laughed so darn hard!!!!
Mr. Macabre said…
I so want children just so that I could do this!
Nikki said…
Damn that's funny !!!!!
I wanted to have a chainsaw for Halloween but wasn't allowed ... he didn't want to rent one lol

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