HDH053 - Pink on the Brink...

... on the brink of being finished?  Nope, not even close.  I sat down last night to start my challenge card, got impatient, didn't let my ink dry long enough, and poof... smeared.  So, I went ahead and played around with the color combo that I WOULD have used for my challenge card... which will not be done. 

That's right... I'm a quitter.  : P

I do have a good excuse... kinda.  I worked 7 days in a row without any time off and it totally sapped my creative mojo-ness.  I'm hoping that today, while I'm giving some coloring pointers to a buddy of mine, my mojo will creep back to me.  Wish me luck!

Stamp:  Perfect Poison (Kraftin' Kimmie); Paper:  Neenah; Ink:  Memento Tuxedo; Copics:  RV10, RV13, RV14, C5, V99, YG11, YG13, YG17

Good news:  I have all of the prize packs except for last week's and this week's ready to go postal tomorrow!  And I'll announce the Stamp It Crazy challenge winners this week, and MAYBE even the Tickled Pink - Pink on the Brink winner as well!  Be sure to check back :)


DonnaMundinger said…
Well, the good intentions are there. This sure would have been CA-UTE! But that's why you have Minions, Oh Masterful One. xxD
I'm giggling away at your post and Donna's reply :P
Crystal said…
LOL.... I love the result so far, as much as I can see of it. You should have just used the part you had and put her behind a door or something,to hide the imperfection you didnt like.
I can give ya advice from the sidelines.....but I would have freaked if it was me that smeared it too.....
Love this blog so much.......Halloween reveller from way back!!!
Gina said…
Don't go getting toorganized Barb, you'll only confuse us hahaha! :D XXX
Jean said…
I love how it looks so far. I am going to have to get me some of these stamps you have because I love them!!
Oh it's so good to know that even the best can make mistakes. I think the sneaky peek view you have shared is looking good though
Andrea C said…
I love how you coloured her green, the kraftin kimmie stamps are just so brilliant x
Ms. Jen said…
I've been so bummed I haven't been able to play much so I broke down last night and ordered my first Kimmie stamps. I can't wait to get them in the mail. You girls are so addicting!!

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