HDH047 - surprise!

I got something done for my challenge this week!  And not only for MY challenge, but also for Stamp It Crazy's challenge, too :)  Love ya' SIC Barb!

 I'll admit it... I started this card last week for The Burtonesque Dolls' challenge "The Burton Boys".  This image is PERFECT for that... oh well... c'est la vie.  At least I finished it... and me likey alot.

Stamps:  A Man A Mess- Goth39 (Stamp It Crazy), Background Soup (TAC), That Guy (retired TAC)

Paper:  black cs (TAC), Neenah white cs, random turquoise cs

Other:  hardware (WeRMK & Karen Foster), spring, jewlry wire, Turquoise Glimmer Mist, 1/16" hole punch, super cool web trim gifted by Creepy Glowbugg (thanks, man!)

Copics:  0, BG72, G21, G85, W2

The turquoise mist shows up awesomely on the black cardstock!  In real life it is way better than the photos... trust me.  I know the wire is a bit wonky, but I guess the rest of the card is, too :)  It's fun to see the card open and light spill through the teensie little punched holes.

Do you dig the spring & large brads?!  Me too!  I might have to go on the search for more springs... I've got a bunch of the brads, although some are antique brass & copper.  Oooooo.... the copper & brass would look all steampunk, no?!  Hmmm....

OH!  And don't forget that there is only a couple of days left for current Freaker's Free-for-All challenge!  How much easier can a "do whatever ya' want" challenge be?!  :)

What do you think?


Anonymous said…
Very cool card Barb! Love it to bits!
DonnaMundinger said…
AMAZING!!! I can't believe you didn't get this in for the TBD challenge. NEED that image! LOVE all the hardware. xxD
Gina said…
Awesome Barb, you should finish your projects more often haha! :D XXX
Cheryl Valadez said…
Barb, this is one handsome dude! Love that complexion...lol!! The harware is awesome and those springs are inspired! Love it!!
Catherine said…
Totally awesome, Barb! Love the turquoise and hardware. Mr. Scissorhands looks amazing! Wow!
StampitCrazy said…
Andrea C said…
this is phenomenally good, I LOVE IT xxx (yeah a free for all should be easy but I am stumped got my hubby coming up with ideas haha) x
Sharon said…
This is wonderful, Barb!
Anita Bownds said…
totally awesome,love it hugs anita
Anonymous said…
FREAKY! The stitching gives me the heebee jeebies. Not to mention that image! Looks like we have the same taste in men! LMAO!
Alison said…
Me likey TONS! Thhis is just too cool! You never cease to amaze me! Your creation is fabulous!!!!!
Amy said…
The turquoise mist looks amazing and sooo cool! Awesome, creepy card Barb! :)
Ms. Jen said…
Barb, this is FANTASTIC. Your cards are creepy but so FUN! I just bought a couple images from StampIt. I'd never even heard of them. I'm so excited to use them.

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