Gruesome Twosomes and other various awesome people...

Once again, I'm behind in announcing winners... my bad!

And I think I've said this before, but I seriously believe that Lynx & Oz should just be their own Gruesome Twosome every week.  I'm always gravitating to their work, so from here on out, you two shall be the weekly GT Mistresses.  Don't worry... you'll still be in the prize drawings ;)

HDH032 - Somber Shakespeare Gruesome Twosome:  Renee for her dark lady w/ Yorrick, and to Linda in PA, for her withered Cleopatra.  Great job, ladies!!!  Grab your GT badges from the sidebar and linky back here!

HDH032 prize winner, whom will receive the awesome Stamp It Crazy Girl with Skull image I used for my challenge card is:  Sarah!  Please email me your mailing address so that I can forward that on to Barb at Stamp It Crazy... thanks so much for offering up the prize, Barb!

HDH033 - Freaker's Free for All Gruesome Twosome:  Dragon for her beautifully dark collage piece, and lachsekatze for her awesome hand-drawn image.  Grab the Gruesome Twosome badge from my sidebar and link back here, please!!!

And Lynx's entry was so fantastic... I love how you layer images... so hauntingly beautiful!

HDH033 prize winner, whom will receive a fun prize pack from me is:  Trina!  How lucky are you... winning a prize the first time playing!  Please email me your mailing address so that I can mail out your goodies!

Congratulations everyone! 


RenĂ©e said…
Yippeeeehhhh... The first time I play along and bang, I win a Gruesome Twosome badge. This is wonderful. Thank you. You cannot see me but I'm sitting here with a big grin on my face. Hehehehehe.
Congrats to Linda for winning the GT along with me.
And felicita's too to Lynx, Oz, Sarah, Dragon, Lachsekatze and Trina.

Daniella said…
LOL!! When I was at Lynx's blog, I saw she was part of the GT like 23 times, so THAT is so cool that they are permanent GT Mistresses!!

Congratulations to all the winners!!
Linda aka Oz said…
First off, HUGE congratulations to the lovely ladies and their AWESOME entries that have won prizes. I truly would not want to have to judge these challenges. Everyone is soooooo good!

Secondly.... does that mean Lynx and I are engaged? Do we have to seat at the head table now? Do we have to behave and curtsy and all that other crap???

I am a Hero Hostess, now a Gruesome Mistress... My next step will be Madam?? I do think there will be more money as a madam, and more sex. Wow, I do have a lot to look forward too!!! bawhwhwhwhhahahah.......

Thank you very much my Queen of the Dark, you grace me with your gift. Mistress Oz
blackdragon said…
Congrats to all you guys who are now gruesome....doesn't it feel good?
Oz and i are now mistresses hey?
I see no reason we cant be engaged...we are both married to mr depp in another world... and have been gruesome together a few times....
Now my darling can not be a madam... more money and sex?..... wash your mouth out... my intended must not act common...and what would johnny say?
Thanks Barb for the 'mistress' title...must be my week for honours hey?
Sorry any newbies here.... but we are a strange bunch that frequent this blog....
I shall try to do a box before sunday... but its difficult to work whilst holding my intendeds hand across 1000's of miles.
blackdragon said…
P.S sorry the excitement of my engagement to Oz i forgot to say THANK YOU..... i wear my gruesome badges with pride.... i really did want 13 you know!... but you making me a 'mistress' is the DOGS BOLL##KS..... thank you again! love lynx
Trina said…
Hey Hun.
Oh My Goodness!!
Thank you so much for chosing my card as the winner.
Woop Woop Woopie!!
Dragon said…
WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO I am SO pleased and delighted to be so gruesome!!!! It's always good to be chosen on a sampler, so thanks guys!!

PS Well done BD.. much deserved, mate!!
Linda said…
Woot! Thank you for the GT Badge Award! It's soo awesome. And congrats to my GT partner, Renee! Great job on your card. I proudly displayed it on top of my side bar. Looking forward to another one soon.
Linda in PA (I want a cooler name...any suggestions?)
CONGRATULATIONS!! Fabulous creations from all!!

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