Macabre Monday #011 - Lurid Love... my version :)

It's Tuesday and I should be working!  But instead, I thought I'd share my take on this week's challenge :)

I know... it's cute... but in a kinda creepy way, right?  I can't remember which TAC Angel demo suggested it, but she thought I could creep-out these cupids, and... Ta Da!

Stamps:  Love & Friendship (TAC)
Paper:  DCWV card base, White UltraSmooth cardstock
Ink:  Palette Noir
Other:  Prismacolors w/ mineral oil, Black & Crystal Stickles, Scor-Pal & Scor-Bug, misc. sheer ribbon, black gems from JoAnn's, pop dots

I love their little black glittery wings... I did go a little Stickles-happy on this one, but it IS a wedding image after all... ya' gots to have the glitta, baby.  :)

I'm hoping to see some more participation this week!  I really want to have a bunch of names in the bonus drawing!  If we get a good number I might draw more than one name... you never know... that's just how I roll.

What do you think?


Creepy Glowbugg said…
Very nice...gotta love the creepy cupids. I see options for Valentine's Day.
LadybugSue said…
OH yea I like this one really a cute creepy wedding, I'd go!!
Keep them coming Girlfriend!
Chris said…
It's almost like he (she?) is looking in a mirror, eh? Love your creepy take on these's great to get so many uses out of one stamp! tee hee...
Trudy Osborn said…
OH MY! You really CAN Halloween ANYTHING! Cute card
Linda aka Oz said…
Love the "creeped" out cupids, so clever. But my fav part of the card is the embossing and square gems. It makes the card look like the door of a Keep. So medievil and strongholdish...

Thank you so much for the GT pick. I am honored. Linda aka Oz
Anonymous said…
Barb - you can really make anything into Halloween! Love it - I may have to get the stamp now! rita w
Melisa Waldorf said…
WOW!! I don't know how you come up with this stuff. You are so creative chick!
nadine said…
AWESOME! i just recently stumbled across your blog and we have 2 things in common, i am an angel too and LOVE halloween! i have seen so much stuff on your blog that i just LOVE,LOVE,LOVE!!! you are a great artist on the dark side, keep it up! can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Nikki said…
Very Kewl Image I've just found your blog and love the idea of the creep factor :) LOVE ALL HALLOWEEN fun out there it's soo much eye candy
hugs Nikki
LOVE the creepy cute! The colour against the text onthat heart--stunning. This is just so original and beautiful. Makes me wanna go Goth! heehee ;o)

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