Fiendishly Fun Friday... and a little Pink Aye...

Ok, I'm still kicking around challenge days & names... here's a list and I would appreciate any feedback :)

Macabre Monday, Terrifying Tuesday, Wicked Wednesday (or Wickedly Weird or Witchy), Blood Thirsty Thursday (or Tricked-Out), Fiendishly Fun Friday (or Frightful), Spine-Tingling Saturday, Blood-Sucking Sunday

So, I just got back from a little shopping excursion to Michael's & HomeGoods... all Halloween purchases :) I've got to get a little crafty on a few items before they are truly decor worthy, though... now to find the time to do it!

I've decided that since a large part of my home decor is halloweenie and stays out year-round anyway, I'm going to bite the bullet and start purging some 'standard' and Christmas seasonal decor items that are packed away and taking up valuable storage space. No worries... I'm keeping the 10' tall tree and all the trimmings, but some of the other stuff has got to go!

Ok, on to today's card! I've performed stamp surgery before, and I can't remember which Angel suggested it for this set, but I am so thankful! I cut the swirl off of the bottom of the heart and created two separate stamps. Originally, I was going to set the skull on top of the swirl... I'd seen images similar to that I liked... but I turned it upside down just for grins... doesn't it look like a pirate's hat (tricorne)?!

Not just any pirate hat, a pirate princess hat...

well, a dead pirate princess...

ok, technically a skeleton of a dead pirate princess...

you get the point. Don't you just love taking a rubber stamp and creating something unexpected? Yeah, me too.

Stamps: Forever Family, Mini-bet, Punk Princess (retired)
Paper: Premium White & white UltraSmooth cardstocks
Ink: Noir Palette
Other: Prismacolors w/ mineral oil, misc. ribbon & jewel, Scor-Pal

Super clean & simple... not really my style but it still ranks a "me likey"...

What do you think?


Anonymous said…
I think it is a GREAT card, and I vote for:

Blood Sucking Sunday, that one jumped out at me, and it isn't all sweetsy pie, but Hey, they all sound fun.
Chris said…
See...I like super clean and simple! But somehow whatever you create - I likee!! BOO!
Helen D. said…
I think this site rocks! I don't have the ability to help you coose because I liked most. I guess it depends on the day. I have a few favs though. Go over to Paper cutz challenge link on my blog and join the challenge this week, I think you'd like it.
Lisa T said…
*love* it!! Anytime you can incorporate pink into a card, I'm happy! :)
Photo Gal Jan said…
LOvE your SpOOky site and designs!
Kimberly said…
You crack me up! This is brilliant. Love it!!!
Patti J. said…
Ha! I love Terrifying Tuesday, and Tuesday's are usually a good day for me as DH goes out of town for a few days on Tues....whatever you pick will be fun. ACK girl - I adore what you did with that flippin' stamp!!!!!!!!! You are the queen of rock stars today!!! I love, love, love it!!! By the way, went to two M's and one HL today looking for the loop or web punches. Found snowflakes! Not quite ready for them yet... Boo to no punches! Great card, TFS it!
Sonia said…
I want to said a lot of things to you but my main language is spanish.
So i can said you are very creative. I love all your works!.. also love clean and simple. Fabulous Card!
I want those stamps!... love the change you did, fantastic idea.

Suzanne said…
I'm so digging this blog in addition to your other one. I vote for wickedly weird wednesday!
Anna said…
All the names are a blast! This is a darling card! I love what you've done with it! And the gem, perfect touch!
Julie said…
i love this card - pink for a hallowen card is great - i think all of your suggestions are brilliant.
Take Care Ju xx
kssdesigns said…
Barb, your creativity blows my mind! Now we can add surgeon to your resume! I'm lovin' this new all Halloween blog btw. It's so inspiring!
Sharon said…
Barb love the blog!! Maybe cuz I am a Halloween person!! Love everything I have seen so far!! My votes are for Witchy Wed, Tricked out Thurs and Frightful Friday.
Michelle said…
I can't help but smile or laugh when I read your posts - you are just too funny!! I'm so going to cut my stamp set so I can be just like you - :o) well copying is a form a flattery or is that stalking? ummm I guess they could be similiar, LOL!
LadybugSue said…
This card is so cool, I signed out so my mug is not say stalker anymore. Sorry about that. Got this set and would not of thought of that, so very neat!
Heather said…
LOVE it! and your technically...cracked me up! I can hear it in person even!
Melisa Waldorf said…
Holy crap!! You are the coolest chick! I LOVE this blog and the way you are able to break an image down and use it in a different way AMAZES me!!! WOW!

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