Creepy Halloweenie Boo Birdhouses...

Tonight I've got the last of my Art Shares! Well, I had an additional one, but I had made one similar and had posted it before HERE... it was for Suzanne. She has a couple of boys and lives in Florida, so I thought it was totally her :) Hope you like it, Suzanne!!

I made these Halloweenie Boo Birdhouses for Bren. She is my downline from Wichita and she said to just surprise her with something... muhuhuwahh
ahh ahh
aaaaaaahhhh! `:) What was she getting
herself into?!

I LOVE THESE... and I almost wanted to start another project and keep these for myself. But, no no no... I was good and gave them away :) Me... good... ha ha ha... no comments from the peanut gallery...

{cough... CINDY... cough}

Anyway, I had these envisioned stuck in a plant centerpiece... mossy and dark. Or, if you want to go the fun route, in a big bowl of candy corn :)

I'm sorry to say that there isn't ANY product from TAC on this project... that's a first in a LONG time for me! But I am a collector of all that is Halloween and there just isn't any creepy stuff to be had from TAC {HINT HINT HINT} I know... not too subtle, but just in case Mischelle is reading along :)

What is bad, since I am a collector, is that I didn't keep track of some of the manufacturers... sorry guys!

I purchased the wooden mini-birdhouses from Michael's and painted them with green, black, and metallic copper paint. I roughed up some Halloweenie paper (unknown) and glued it to the birdhouses with PVA. I even made some scallop shingles on the roof... see...
cute AND creepy :)

I have no idea where the uber-creepy abso-freakin'-lutely awesome holey trim came from, but I think I'm in love :)

I covered some ugly brown chipboard letters with more paper and inked up the edges.. and then I just started layering! It's hard to see unless you zoom in, but there are these cool Halloweenie transparencies from Little Yellow Bicycle.. a cat and a bat. They are out at the face of the roof while the rest of the schtuff is set back with the face of the house... so they're just kinda hangin'...

me likey.

I found the glittery spiders from a party supply place... yep, they are table confetti... well, maybe not confetti, but cool nevertheless :)

And that's it! Seriously, the pictures are not the greatest because it was cloudy and I had to play with them in PhotoShop... but maybe Bren can take a better photo and post it for me :)

What do you think?


Patti J. said…
Barb - these are adorable! You and your 'spooky stuff'! I know who to go to in October for ideas! Great job, as always!
Stamp Angel said…
Barb! I absolutely adore these SPOOKY little birdhouses. You always amaze me when I stop by your blog...Thanks for sharing~! hugs, Annette
Anna said…
How flipping cute are these?! I think I picked up some bird houses like this at Michael's to use, and never used them! May have to case this idea!
Chris said…
I love how excited you get about Halloween... :) It's fun to see what you come up with. Very cool project, BTW!
Cheryl Walker said…
I love these!!! I know what you mean about wanting to keep them, I get like that, I will make something, and want to keep it. Of course I will for a little while and then I send it off :) lol

anyways these turned out very nice!

OMGosh! These are so cute! Absolutely love them! Thanks for visiting my blog!
Jennifer Talley said…
Oh my gosh, these are so cool!!! I love halloween stuff, and these are awesome!
LadybugSue said…
LOVE THEM!!!!! You are the Queen of Halloween!!!
Martha said…
how cute, you did an amazing job.
These are too cute!! You did an awesome job with those birdhouses. After all your work and the end product, I could see how hard it must have been to give them away. Beautiful work!
Carolyn King said…
I think they are fabulous!!! Great job with those little birdhouses!
Bren said…
I was sooooo lucky to receive one of these sets. They are so much fun. I hope halloween is just aroungd the corner.
StampinCarol said…
These are amazing! You sure can do wild Halloween stuff!! Wow!
inkmistress said…
These are GOREgeous! Great project idea!

I can't wait to see you in just a few weeks!

Seleise said…
beyond fabulous once again! you amaze me!!!
Helen Dooley said…
Barb these are wonderful. I could see these in my house for my fav. holiday. Really nice
These are sooooo spooky cool!!!
The Wired Angel said…
just found your site... love it so I became a follower. These bird houses are just adorable. Great job.

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