I am totally psyched [no, not psycho... well, not really]

Woo Hoo!!! Here it is!! Number 100. Ok, so not THAT big of a deal, but I seriously didn't think I would keep up even this well with the whole blogging thing. That being said, let us now commence on the BLOG CANDY! Yes, yes, you can win some splendiferous (is that a real word?) yumminess from little ol' me!

[I just LOVE saying 'little' and 'me' in the same sentence :) ]

Leave a comment on THIS POST...I will NOT be revealing the goodness until all the entries are in and the winner has been selected [insert evil cackle here]. If you saw what I gave away last time, just know that it will be waaaaaaay BETTER than that.

Here is some more good news: I'm one of the winners for TAC's monthly contests! Go check out all of the other wonderful creations from a few of my fellow Angels here!

Now, for the info on my Brewin' Dark Angel card for today. This was another submission for a contest that didn't win, but it is actually one of my favorite cards [probably because it is Halloweenie].
Stamps: Just Dream, Happy Haunting, and Spooky Swirls
Paper: Miss Moxie SWIC (tag) & cardstock
Ink: Noir Palette
Coloring Medium: color pencils w/ mineral oil blending
Bling: Stickles
Misc.: Scrapper's Floss, pop dots, staple

Isn't she cool? I love taking an image totally NOT meant for Halloween, and creeping-it-out!

What do you think?


Kim said…
Congrats!!!!!!!! You just made me pass out. I clicked on the link to see you card on the TAC blog and I won the Terrific Trio contest this month. Eeeeekkkk. I'll jump and down and squeal with you! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this card you made too. I would have never ever paired those together and it is perfect for Halloween. Very clever.
Chaffin Channel said…
PICK ME PICK ME!!! I love the "Halloweenie" card. I love how the couldrin (sp?) is popped up!
Allison said…
This card is beyond awesome...and what a stamp set! Bravo (loving that cauldron!).
Jeanie said…
Awesome card Barb! Thought of you the other day when I was at JoAnn's as I ran across some cool Halloween stuff.
Stampin Cats said…
Congrats on the posting. Love the card. I do remember your last give away. I didn't win.
Anonymous said…
so can we only comment on the card or on the psycho, I mean psyched bit?! Your card is great as usual. I love when people use their stamps out of the mainstream! Congrats on this being your 100th post too.
sandyh50 said…
Congrats, Barb! I love the card. I can't wait to see what the blog candy is going to be!!

sandyh502001 at yahoo dot com
Annelies said…
This card is really great! Keep on inspiring us! Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
BarbL said…
Really cool! I can tell you like Halloween!!
Wow, congratulations on both good news items! You have a wonderful blog, so much inspiration.
kssdesigns said…
I've seen some great things done with this stamp set, but this one really stands out! Your coloring is wonderful and the layout is awesome. Congrats on winning the TAC contest too. Well done!
Rachel V. said…
Congrats on winning the monthly contest! That is a wonderful card. Love her legs! :)
Anonymous said…
Cute idea! I have to say cute because it certainly isn't scary. I do like the creativity.

Bug's_mom said…
Barb, this card is awesome! So that's why you wanted the angel from that stamp set... I'm glad you put it to good use :)

Can't wait to see more of your wonderful Halloween creations. It's right around the corner!!
Kim said…
Barb what an awesome card! you come up with some of the most original designs...I LUV Checking out your blog! Congrats on winnig this months TAC contest!
Seleise said…
oh my gosh - I love how you've colored that angel!!! Congrats on your 100th post! And, super congrats on your win!!! woo hoo!
Laurie T. said…
Kool card. So excited you've kept up!!! Pick Me!!!
shannon said…
Congrats on the contest! And, love this card, too! I would never have thought you could transform this angel like this. You always amaze me!
kolling143 said…
Congrats on your card!!! Your blog is fantastic and I LOVE that you keep up and blog daily. I enjoyed sitting with you at the banquet during seminar. Great work!!!!
StampinCarol said…
Great card! Never dreamed of using one of our Brilliant Angels as a Halloween character and the cauldron is great!
StampinCathy said…
Congrats!! Your card is just so cute. You are just so creative and talented. Thanks for a chance.
Tobi said…
I just dropped in to nominate you for a blog award and remind you of the time you tagged me. You remember that right?-- Good. Totally a coincidence that I am here today for the psycho/psyched post. Come on over and check it out.
Brenda said…
What a fun color combo, creative stamp combo, and great coloring on the card! Congrats on both your 100th post and your contest win (love that card, too)!
inkmistress said…
Congrats on you 100th post! LOVE this Halloween card made with the Just dream set! Way to think outside the box!

Anonymous said…
I love this card. Halloween is the funnest time to make cards!! Your card takes the cake. Brilliant combo!!
nic_d said…
Well, now, I am intrigued. I know you are a big Halloween fan, so I'm thinking that it might be something Halloweenie??? Hope I'm the lucky one this go around! Thanks for the blog award!
charliesinkangel said…
Hi Barb! My name is Beverly & I'm a new Angel. I've been scouring the internet looking for other Angels. I found your blog.....also new to the whole "blogging" thing (have NO idea what Blog Candy is). I'm learning tons as I go! I wanted to tell you that this card should have been a WINNER! I absolutely LOVE it! I love "outside-the-box" creations! I've subscribed & hope to learn lots more from you & about you!
Cass said…
Wow. Just found your blog. You have some awesome creations! :)
Kelley said…
I 1000 times over love that card.. it is amazing.. a brilliant use of this set!!
I never would have thought to make the angel a part of a halloween card, but you did a very nice job! I just love your work and congratulations on your 100th post and on being recognized by TAC.
Lisa Dones said…
Spookalicious card you have there!! Congrats to you :o) I am also having a conteset, I hope you'll click over and check it out!
Brenda H. said…
Congrats on all your posts and for winning the contest...you go girl!
'Love mystery candy....please sign me up!
~Brenda H.
Angela K said…
I LOVE this, so clever! Love the bubbling cauldron too, great card!!

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