Macabre Monday - Eerie Inspiration

Looks like the Minions slept in today. Must have been all that devilish revelry in celebration of our last milestone challenge. Thanks to everyone who made it down to the dungeon to party with us. I'm pretty sure we all had a blast. We're going to go easy on you guys (and our aching heads), with a photo inspiration challenge, we like to call, Eerie Inspiration . This collage photo should be able to coax your mojo to come out to play. Interpret this as you'd like, it's purely for inspiration. There is no wrong way to do this challenge. Wanna see what a couple of the (less hung over) Minions came up with? Maniacal Mother of Mayhem Mo The tools of the trade. Beautiful notebook front cover. Even the inside pages are decorated. Nice, right? So cool! Makes you want to start journaling, doesn't it? Fantasmagorical Fiona Wicked, skull book box! Great dimension and texture...