Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

Our new Macabre Monday challenge theme is
"Bubble, Bubble, Toil, and Trouble".
Hope you did some shopping, because it's a recipe challenge.
Your project must include the following ingredients:


That's it. 
Now, toss them all together and make something creepy, spooky, and brilliant!
Please be sure to include your recipe in your post,
so we can see how you used our ingredients.

Wanna see what the Minion's cooked up?

Maniacal Mother of Mayhem Mo

Lovely wall hanging 

My recipe:
Purple on the frame, the shells, the senti,  in the colouring of the images,
the clouds are stamped using purple distress ink and the wire is purple too.
Green: on the frame, in the colouring of the images
Metal: the wire and there are staples to hold the net
Flourish: the TH die behind the mermaid
Black: the flourish is black card, there is black paint on the frame, the ribbon is black.
The rusty/ orange is a bonus, LOL.

Fantasmagorical Fiona

Witch's Rolodex

Looks like all the ingredients are there,
but Fiona was all out of green.
It happens....


Matney said…
Such fab creepy colors to mix and create with. Minions, awesome projects to get our minds inspired. TY!
Pauline said…
Hi Donna, thanks for stopping by, my entry is linked to the challenge, its in the first paragraph of my post :-)
Anonymous said…
Love the ingredients of this challenge, but unfortunately I haven't been able to submit a creation before the deadline... Still 8 hours to go, but I really should get some sleep! Gorgeous work by the design team, thanks for the eye candy!
Anonymous said…
Hah, I did mention to create a card for this challenge after all! Now I'm off to bed!
Anonymous said…
Mistake in my previous comment: 'mention' should be 'manage' of course... too tired to think straight, apparently! :-)

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