Macabre Monday #183 - Children of the Night

Well, here we are ready to kick of another Macabre Monday challenge! This time around we'd like to see what you come up with for "Children of the Night" . Bring us your young and innocent, but creepy 'em up a bit first, okay? Our sponsor for this challenge is our very own Ike, of Ikes Art . Ike is generously offering three images of choice to each of the chosen Gruesome Twosomes. Nice, right? The possibilities are endless for this one. What kind of creatures lurk in the shadows during the dead hour? I just watched Ghoulies last night, so slimy critters from hell, crawling out of toilets come to mind. Let's check out how the Minions have interpreted this theme. Temptress of Terror Teri Maniacal Mother of Mayhem Mo An InLinkz Link-up