Let the countdown begin!

October first is finally here!
The anticipation was killing us, but now the pressure to 
perform is on high.
Welcome to the Countdown to Hallowe'en 2013!!

We are honored to be among the 192 fellow Hallowe'en revelers 
participating in this month long blog hop!
If you'd like to see the entire list of participants,
it can be found here.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Creepy Glowbugg,
and I am the head Minion in charge here in the Haunted Design House.
Which basically means, if things go awry, I get blamed, and (if I'm lucky) flogged. 
My fellow Minions and I, run a Hallowe'en themed crafters challenge blog
that is open all year long. We eat, sleep, and bleed, Hallowe'en.
We also accept the Gothics, the Steampunks, and dark of heart as well.
We like to celebrate the alternative crafter. No mainstream pablum for us!
Every other week, we issue a challenge prompt with a specifically
dark theme. Then it is up to our followers to create something cool and 
inspired by our prompt. 
As Minions, we always provide some candied eyes   eye candy
to serve as inspiration. 
Here are some examples of our past works.
(You can click on each Minion's name to be taken to their
personal blog to see more of their work.)

STEPHEN KING needful things

Vile Vintage

drop dead gorgeous

IKE Chunky ATC  2   HDH172
IKE _ HDH147  Kenny K

HDH 13
Gruesome guardians

hammer 4

We have quite the talented, if slightly malodorous, Minions, don't we?
We hope you'll keep checking back with us throughout the entire countdown
to see what other wickedness we are capable of manifesting.

Keep it Creepy!!!!  


Christine Kiehl said…
Sweet creative Minions indeed! I hope to join in the fun too. That is aside from checking back to see what everybody else has whipped up! Thanks for the Wicked fun!!
Matney said…
Amazing works done by all minions. you have been busy, the master is a tough one! Thank you all for off beat minds and wonderful talent. Love looking at past projects.
Laura S Reading said…
No one can accuse any one of you of being boring or tame!
Wings1295 said…
Great stuff! So much great stuff! Kudos!

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