HDH174 Macabre Monday - Nailed it!

*Please see the sidebar for HDH Macabre Monday Rules*
(Note: entries not following the guidelines 
are not eligible for prizes or badges)

Welcome to the new Macabre Monday challenge,
Nailed It!!!
You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Hallowe'en 
based art piece that contains pins or nails of one sort or another.
You can use straight pins, safety pins,carpentry nails, nail heads, or fingernails.
Whatever, as long as it's nail related in some way.

Let's take a peek inside the dungeon and see what the Minions have
nailed together for this challenge.

  Freak Of The Formidable Fiona:
HDH 174 Nailed It

Agent Of The Abominable Andrea:
Nailed it 2ACC

Sultana Of The Sinister Black Dragon:

 Menace Of The Monstrous Mark:


WOW guys, you sure set the bar high this week xxx
ike said…
AWESOME creations !!! There's no beating those wonderfully creepy concoctions :-D xxxxxxx
Anonymous said…
Oh my word! What fantastically creepy and ok, downright scary creations you have made!!
Jacki Daniels said…
Oh great creations peeps love them all

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