Macabre Monday Bare Bones week 2

As we begin our second week of the Bare Bones/CAS (clean and simple) challenge, we have some fresh Minion inspiration and perspiration, for you.

Sultana Of The Sinister Black Dragon

bare bones

Menace Of The Monstrous Mark

Creepy Cricut Cween Donna 

another Bare Bones

Imp of Insanity IkeHDH164 - Bare Bones

Cadaverous Concoctor of Chaos

Keep it simple, no embellishments or multiple layers.


KristyLee said…
Oh golly, Of course you all made awesome DT creations I truly love this all! And Black Dragon, your sentiment is so true! :)
Mark awesome coloring!
Ike is that a new image of yours? I guess I just need to go and check out all of you all's blogs! I do have to apologize to all of you all for not doing that lately! Anyways, stay crafty and see ya on the flip side!
Andrea C said…
All absolutely brilliant. x

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