HDH166 - Stephen King Knightmare

*Please see the sidebar for HDH Macabre Monday Rules*

(Note: entries not following the guidelines are not eligible for prizes or badges)

Our next Macabre Monday challenge is :
Stephen King Knightmare
Now not the sort of guy you would use as a muse to tell your kids their bedtime stories but for this challenge lets get sick and twisted and use the unhealthy mind of Stephen King as inspiration.  You can use his books, movies and comic books as your muse.
Take inspiration from a movie:
Or from a comic book:
Or one of his books:
Let's see what has come from the equally twisted minds of the minions!
Sultana Of The Sinister Black Dragon:
STEPHEN KING needful things

Menace Of The Monstrous Mark:
photo (50)
Agent Of The Abominable Andrea:
Imp of Insanity Ike:
IKE - HDH166
Remember to check back on Monday for the next installment of mentally deranged mwahahaha.


Matney said…
Love SK and the challenge!!! Can't wait to see the entries.
KristyLee said…
OH my all of the DT samples are truly inspiring! I do love them all! I am a big time Stephen King fan! The very first novel I read as a kid (8yrs) was Stephen King! I have read most of his books. In my little life he was to me the first master of Horror!
Jenn Borjeson said…
Oh man - so I'm like a chicken with my damn head cut off lately and have no time for anything, but I would be ashamed not to play along when the theme involves my all-time favorite author. I'll see what I can do this weekend. You guys did an outstanding job.
Wendy said…
Great design team work...Stephen King is one of my top five authors. Love his books and even the movie adaptations! Great DT representations! Thanks for the challenge!

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