HDH159 - Famous Last Words

Well we have made it to the second challenge of the year, without any casualties in the dungeon!
So far.

Next challenge is:

Famous Last Words

You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Hallowe'en based art piece
using a famous last line from a favourite book, poem, or movie.
Go even one better, and use a death bed confession
 or last utterance. Ohhh, creepy, right?

And now for the inspiring eye candy you have all come to expect
from the wickedly talented Minions.

Sultana of the Sinister Blackdragon:

Many believe this to be Edgar's last words. Ever. 

Temptress of Terror Teri :

'The Silence of the Lambs' - Hannibal Lecter

Menace of the Monstrous Mark:

hdh poe red death last line 1

The Masque of the Red Death

Agent of the Abominable Andrea:

famous last words
Every good book ever written. Yup, someone had to do it.

Choose wisely and make it creepy or dark.
You have two weeks.
Now go forth and create greatness!!! 
And remember to drop in again next Monday for more inspiration projects,
and the announcement of the Gruesome Twosome from the 
Freaker's Free for All challenge. 


ike said…
Fabulous Theme Girls and awesome projects. Love the new heading too :-)
Ike xxxxxxxxx
mark gould said…
er hmmm, girls????
Creepy Glowbugg said…
Tee hee! Must be your fancy panties, Mark!
KristyLee said…
The DTs so rock!! Love all of the creations, eve yours manly man Mark!
Vee Cassidy said…
Design Team makes are awe inspiring and generally inspiring. Vee xx

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