Macabre Monday HDH149 Bare Bones

 *Please see the sidebar for HDH Macabre Monday Rules*
(Note: entries not following the guidelines are not eligible for prizes or badges)

Okay, macabre fans... your challenge this week:
"Bare Bones"

You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween-based art piece
that uses NO dimensional embellishments. That's right.
No rhinestones, no pearls, no ribbons, no chipboard.
Pretty much a clean and simple layout. It doesn't have to be
a single layer card, but no bumpy bits.

Now it's time to check out what the Minions have created this week.

First up, is our
September guest DT 
My name is Angela Brown aka "Lady Brayton" (or Lady B).
Lady Brayton is my stripper name, but since I have neither the body
nor the talent to strip, I have made it my crafting name.
I've been drawing and coloring ever since I could hold crayons and I've
been cutting and pasting ever since I learned to use scissors without
stabbing myself or others. I still struggle with the "not stabbing others" bit, but
the meds the doctor gives me are really helping me with that problem. 
I currently work as a chemotherapy infusion nurse. I make time for myself and
my art everyday. Artistic expression is my therapy. It is necessary for my sanity.
It soothes my soul and relaxes my mind. Eventually, I hope to make art a career,
but for now I am content to play.

Welcome to the Dungeon Lady B!! We have your pole all warmed up for you.
Practice makes perfect! Now, start dancin'!!!!
Let's see what our little over achiever did shall we?  

Nice work. I think we'll have her back next week too! 

Creepy Cricut Cween Donna:
Bare Bones
Simply perfect!

Agent of the Abominable Andrea:
bare brones skull  
Looks like Andrea got the over aciever memo as well.
Beautifully wicked paintings, with a couple more on her blog too.

Temptress of Terror Teri:
Teri is such a rebel. She glued the pearls on before
realizing they were taboo this challenge. Couldn't remove 'em
without ruining her project. She gets a pass this time.
Check out her newest digital image! So cute!!

The Freak of the Formidable Fiona:
HDH 150 Bare Bones 1
Nothing warms the Minions cockles more than the "F" word!!
The Contagion of Corrosion Croms:
So CAS!! Digging the black and white simplicity.

The Menace of the Monstrous Mark:
hdh bare bones 149
Mark used a Daniel Torrente image. LOVE those little dudes!!!
Nice crackle effect on the frame too.

Check back on Wednesday for Creepy Glowbugg's 
creation and the Gruesome Twosome and winner from last week's
Bad Moon Rising challenge.


Jenn Borjeson said…
Oh come on, you're KILLING me. *sigh* Awesome projects from everyone, off to figure out how the Hell I'm going to manage to NOT use my gems, pearls, charms, buttons, ribbon... AAACCCKKKKK! I can do it, I can do it....
Anonymous said…
Right up my alley! Great to see all of your CAS creations!
KristyLee said…
Awesome creations from the DTs. Congrats Lady B on your GDT spot! I love your creations! Zombie one is making me crack up!

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