Macabre Monday HDH136 Truebie or not to Truebie

*Please see the sidebar for HDH Macabre Monday Rules*
(Note: entries not following the guidelines are not eligible for prizes or badges)
Okay, macabre fans... your challenge this week:

"Truebie or not to Truebie."

You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween-based art piece
that represents or celebrates the upcoming season debut
of The Mistress's favorite television show,
True Blood.
It starts up again for it's 5th season on HBO this coming Sunday.
 This pleases the Mistress.
If you aren't familiar with the show you can google clips or
episodes, but basically it's about a bunch of highly sexual
vampires, werewolves, shape shifters, mediums, and witches,
(and were panthers, too - some crazy shit huh?) trying to
coexist (or not) amongst the humans in Louisiana.
The show is somewhat loosely based on the Sookie Stackhouse
novels by Charlaine Harris.

We are joined this month by our first Guest DT
Crystal of Rustic Daisy Studio

My Bio:
I have had my hands in drawing, crafting, painting, crocheting, knitting, woodworking (have my own tools and I know how to use them) etc........ seems like my whole life.
Eons ago at the tender age of 16, I was the youngest pastel portrait artist at Six Flags over GA.
I love to paint using acrylics and have painted murals in several businesses locally....
(Our local animal shelter, Jump for Joey, etc....) My specialty is pet portraits.
I have 4 children and 5 grands. Love 'em all to pieces!!!
Still have one at home; a 13 yrs. old daughter named Harlee.
I'm a SAHM....kudos to my hubs Jeff aka Scrubby, he works hard so I don't have to....LOL

Recently I've delved into the acting world (extra in an independent film) and the bug has bitten me pretty hard.  I have a friend that is a talent agent and she thinks I can get a few gigs. So now I'm a signed actress...... (suhweet)!!!!
Heck, I've had enough practice dressing up on Halloween....its our fave holiday!!!!
I make all our costumes, from scratch or by altering pre-made items. However and whatever it takes to get the idea in my head into a wearable costume.
My fave motto is "Go BIG or go home!!!"

Fabulous first creation from the Dungeon, Crystal.
Thank you for agreeing to hang out in the muck with us
for the entire month of June.

Now let's see what the other Minions have sunk their teeth into this week.
(you can click on any Minion's name to be taken to their
personal blog with more info and pictures of their awesome work.)

Creepy Cricut Cween Donna:
Truebie or Not Truebie

The Freak of the Formidable Fiona:

The Contagion of Corrosion Croms:
True Blood

Cadaverous Concoctor of Chaos Creepy Glowbugg:
will post on Wretched Wednesday, so check back!


KristyLee said…
Oh my gosh! All of these projects are wonderful, you DTs do such awesome work! I just love them all!
DonnaMundinger said…
Super card, Glo! Really love your choice of images. And WOOHOO to the winners! Fabulous work, one and all. xxD
Supberb DT work!
KristyLee said…
I played, I played!! Hope my offering pleases the Mistress!!
I have to admit I am NOT a Truebie...I like my vampires to sparkle! I tried to watch the show on sereval occassions and it is just too corny for me. I also have to say the Minions (as usual) did a fabulous job with their contributions. I look forward to Monday and the next challenge!

Carol (Carol's Creations)
Jenn Borjeson said…
Ooooh - that was a lot of fun! I had never seen the show, but I think I did OK by CASEing Donna! hee hee :) Thanks for always making your challenges a real challenge! xo
Anonymous said…
After doing some research on the internet I think I'm only a Non-Truebie because I haven't had the occasion/chance to become one.

I hope, you'll like my take on your challenge. I enjoyed it very much.

I promised Andrea that I bake some vampire cupcakes tomorrow - I just write this because I need some presure not to become lazy and forget baking something I've been longing for since I saw Andres's cupcake. So, you can ask me tomorrow for the cupcakes...

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