Fiendishly Fun Friday - web-shrouded trees
After the floods in Pakistan last year, millions of spiders took to living in trees to escape the waters. Because in some areas, the waters have taken so long to recede, it has left trees blanketed with spiderwebs, to the point that they look shrouded for burial.

One unexpected side-effect is a reduction in the number of malaria-sufferers in regions where this phenomenom has occurred. It's thought that mosquitoes are getting caught in the webs. So the next time your friends or family moan about your creepier tendencies, point out that they may have unexpected health benefits, you just never know. And yes, I know this post isn't as laugh-filled as you usually get on Fridays, but I just thought that the pictures of these trees were astounding.

One unexpected side-effect is a reduction in the number of malaria-sufferers in regions where this phenomenom has occurred. It's thought that mosquitoes are getting caught in the webs. So the next time your friends or family moan about your creepier tendencies, point out that they may have unexpected health benefits, you just never know. And yes, I know this post isn't as laugh-filled as you usually get on Fridays, but I just thought that the pictures of these trees were astounding.
Thank you for sharing, this is very interesting and beautiful!