The gals from The Burtonesque Dolls , Simply Betty Stamps and Simply Betty Challenges blogs figured it was a good time to put together a blog hop of our very own: SIMPLY BETTY. This hop is ALLLLLLLLLLLLL about Betty and since October is Betty's favorite month (as it should be!) and there are sooooo many exciting things happening, why not do it just before?!! This way we can get things warmed up for the whole October and Halloween theme. Kinda like an appie!! And since Halloween is her favorite time of year you will be seeing mostly, if not all Halloween cards and we have used only Betty Emo's images. For my tribute to Betty, of course I HAD to use the Witchy Betty stamp! After all, Betty just happens to be my Halloweenie Soul Sistah :) I am sooooooo glad we found each other via the WWW. She is just one of the sweetest gals around... pairing that with the fact that she has some sah-weet stamps & digis... and then throw the whole...