Gruesome Twosomes and other various rockstars...
The Gruesome Twosome for HDH012, Garishly Gleaming Glitter is: Nadine for all of the glittery goo & sparkly trees, and Nans for a Day of the Dead beauty!
The Gruesome Twosome for HDH013, Bizarre Beauty School Dropout is: Linda aka Oz (again!) for her crazy skeleton beauty, and Susan for her permed, red-lipped salon client gone bad. These made me laugh as soon as I saw them...
Please grab your GT badge from the sidebar ladies and linky it back to here! We want to get some more players to join the fun!!!
I LOVE seeing what you guys come up with every week... fantastic stuff!
Oh... and there was a bonus drawing for HDH013... so...
... which means Susan is the winner! I believe I already have your mailing address, Sue, so be watching for that :)
And check this out... why didn't someone remind me that I never announced the Master of the Macabre for October?!!! I swear I'm losin' it. Here is the list of GT's from which the Master shall be selected (via Ranodom number online do-hickey):
1. Jana
2. Linda (Oz)
3. Beth Van Brunt
4. Creative Momma
5. Glenna
6. Linda (Oz)
7. Kristen
8. Creepy Glowbugg
So, without further ado:
The Master of Macabre for October 2009 is: Creative Momma!!! Grab your Master of the Macabre badge from the sidebar, and please email me with your mailing address so that I can send out your winnings :)
The Gruesome Twosome for HDH012, Garishly Gleaming Glitter is: Nadine for all of the glittery goo & sparkly trees, and Nans for a Day of the Dead beauty!
The Gruesome Twosome for HDH013, Bizarre Beauty School Dropout is: Linda aka Oz (again!) for her crazy skeleton beauty, and Susan for her permed, red-lipped salon client gone bad. These made me laugh as soon as I saw them...
Please grab your GT badge from the sidebar ladies and linky it back to here! We want to get some more players to join the fun!!!
I LOVE seeing what you guys come up with every week... fantastic stuff!
Oh... and there was a bonus drawing for HDH013... so...
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:3Timestamp: 2009-11-16 16:47:47 UTC
... which means Susan is the winner! I believe I already have your mailing address, Sue, so be watching for that :)
And check this out... why didn't someone remind me that I never announced the Master of the Macabre for October?!!! I swear I'm losin' it. Here is the list of GT's from which the Master shall be selected (via Ranodom number online do-hickey):
1. Jana
2. Linda (Oz)
3. Beth Van Brunt
4. Creative Momma
5. Glenna
6. Linda (Oz)
7. Kristen
8. Creepy Glowbugg
So, without further ado:
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:4Timestamp: 2009-11-16 16:44:09 UTC
The Master of Macabre for October 2009 is: Creative Momma!!! Grab your Master of the Macabre badge from the sidebar, and please email me with your mailing address so that I can send out your winnings :)
Hugs, Nans.
gonna have to pull my socks up now... i havent been a gruesome for ages!
This is just so much fun, thank you Barb and everyone else for letting me play along. Oz